Day 1 in Shanghai | Sunday 28th of April

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Dear Diary,

     Today, my family and I all slept in till 10am! Lol.
     So we all got up and got ready (me taking a lot longer than everyone else) and when I was ready, I got a video on Lin-Manuel Miranda on YouTube to try and convince my dad to liking him. He shooed me away though, he was watching the football. WHY!?!
     When we head out, we walk to the Bank of China where my mum does a few things while my brother, dad and I sit in the waiting area. We have a deep conversation about what Hamilton is actually about and who Lin-Manuel Miranda is because my dad still doesn't know (or doesn't want to know) and what the big deal about Hamilton is.
     They hurt my feelings.
     Someday, I will convert them. Someday. (Hamilton reference)
     Then we walked back to the shopping centre near our hotel and got lunch. Then we head back to the hotel room so my mum could do some things before we left again to meet someone. While I waited, I again, tried to get my dad to watch the video with me, but no success. Then I sat down and looked through some Hamilton merchandise. My heart forever saying I want, I want, I want! but my head saying You don't need, you don't need!.
     After a while, we got going again, to meet up with my mum's friend who owns a little boutique. We are a bit early so we walk through the park nearby.
     And I thought, how lovely it would to take a lonely stroll in the park at night here. because I'm that type of person who prefers solitude than socialism. Yay. Honestly, I'd love to take a lonely walk just to think about life in a park or on some streets where the paths are wide and the skies are covered by beautiful trees with fairy lights hanging from them and the restaurants beside the path are full of talking people and I'm walking alone. I'd love that. It's why I love Paris. The city of lights; it's never dark. And the streets are so beautiful, I'd fall in love every second.
     Then we met up with my mum's friend who invited us into her boutique/house and we had some tea while my mum and her talked and looked at jewellery. My mum bought from her a bracelet that she liked and her friend invited us out for a coffee so we followed her to a cafe/restaurant. My brother and I shared a Crème Bruele and I took some sips from my dad's black coffee while my mum and her friend had a latte each.
     Then we said goodbye and we caught a taxi back to the hotel. I sung Hamilton while I completed the rest of my tutoring homework. Yay! Homework done! Then we went out for dinner at the hot pot place that my family and I have been going to ever since I was born and is like my home away from home. Some places in Shanghai are so memorable, it sort of plucks at my heartstrings to see the sites again.
     We ordered our hot pot and it was delicious as usual. It was already after 9pm when we finished so we quickly rushed to Carefour to grab our groceries before walking back to the hotel. There's a piano in the lounge area and I'm thinking about playing there one night here. In our room, I have some fruit and watch more stuff about Lin-Manuel Miranda (yes, I am obsessed, I'm sorry you have to see this everyday) before I have a shower and stuff.
     In the shower, I get an amazing idea for something I'm keeping a secret. Sorry. And I quickly got out and wrote it down before I forgot it. If the idea is a success, I will share it. If it turns out to be a flop, no-way-Jose.
     Then I sit down and write this. Soon, I head to bed.


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Sorry for no photos! :(
Thanks for being amazing human beings and cinnamon rolls or whatever animal/furry/human you are!
Have a lovely day/night!


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