Day 1 at home | Sunday 5th of May

7 3 0

Dear Diary,

     I literally slept in till 11:30am.
     It takes me half an hour to get ready and when I walk into the living room, my brother says to me, "Good morning." and I say, "Good afternoon."
     I have toast for lunch (breakfast) and then I brush my teeth, quickly play what I know of Bohemian Rhapsody on piano and start my catching up on homework. Most of my homework is just writing down everything I've missed out on. Which I couldn't do because I didn't have my books with me. But I'll do later. I just quickly studied for two tests that I have tomorrow. Yay.
     I catch up on my calendar and write down a few events in my college diary. Then I organise all my drawers and pack all my school stuff into my bag. I email the people I need to email before sitting down and starting my "new" (my brother's phone that was once mine that was once my mum's that was also once my dad's phone) (an iPhone 5, yes, it's embarrassing) phone and putting my old, pink phone case so it doesn't look as tacky. It's better than no phone, I guess.
     Then I sit at the piano and start learning some more Bohemian Rhapsody. When I finish learning a bit more, I start doing some cleaning around the house.
     At around 3:00pm, my dad brings to the table an early dinner; steak fresh and hot off the BBQ. So I set the table and we all sit down and eat.
     After dinner, I sit down again at the piano and learn more of Bohemian Rhapsody. At 6:00pm, I have finished learning this:

     That is the quickest I've ever learnt anything

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     That is the quickest I've ever learnt anything. It's a pretty long part of the song even though there's not many lyrics. I only had an hour yesterday and a couple of hours today before I finished this section. Which I am really proud of. Also, it took me literally five minutes to add in my singing (which is not the best) at the same time.
     When I learnt how to play the Miraculous theme song, it took me an entire term to learn how to play, and even by now, I cannot sing along to it. But Bohemian Rhapsody only took a few hours! I'm so confused!
     Then I invited my parents into the piano room to listen to me play and they sung along.
     Then I had a shower and sat down and wrote this before playing some more piano, watching some more YouTube, and going to sleep to wake up at 6:00am tomorrow for school. Yay.
     Wish me luck!


Thank you for 215 views! I appreciate it so much!
Hope you enjoyed the entry!
If I upload late tomorrow, I'm sorry, I might have a lot of catch-up homework to do! Sorry!
Have a lovely day/night!



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