1 day left | Thursday 11th of April

17 5 0

Dear Diary,

It is my last day of school! And my last full day here in Australia!
I'm going to miss my friends so much . . . we've already worked out how I'm going to communicate with them when I get to the airport! Hopefully after I go through customs, I can take out my phone and either text them or call (more preferably) them before we board! It is quite early, but they said they want to say goodbye! And I want to too!
We've got three suitcases fully packed and still have the hand-luggage (the suitcase we'll take onboard) to pack tonight before tomorrow.
We've also got a change of plans with transport; our friend is driving us to the airport instead of us taking the train. I hope there's no traffic! Someone is taking us so we get to sleep in! Not much though. We're getting up at 4am.
So I went to school.
     My first period which was Design which was as hectic as yesterday! We were working so fast to complete our assessment. Obviously, we didn't finish, but luckily, I asked if we were allowed to work on it at lunch time and the teacher said 'yes'. So me and my group planned to meet up at second half of lunch to work on the rest of the assessment.
     My second period was my final English lesson which was fun. Even though we got another assessment (obviously for next term). I'm happy because it is a creative writing task! I love creative writing! It's like so fun! And we're going to be working on it in class next term so I am really excited!
     Instead of having recess, we had a liturgy and then recess. After recess we had an assembly. Then we had period 3. Here's where something crazy happens:
     I walk into Science class, ready to have a good rest of the day and fun period with Science. Instead, I get a green slip to go to the office immediately. My first thought was; my parents need to talk to me about something, or a friend called me over to talk with them, or I had forgotten a hat or jumper or something and the office had found it. But I arrived at the office with a wide smile on my face and the nice lady behind the desk handed me . . . a detention slip.
     I froze in the doorway, reading the note as I left. Detention?? No way. Not on the last day of school. And not for . . . dang it.
     A couple of days ago, my friends and I walked into the building to get something from our friend's locker for her. As we were walking down the hallway to grab it from her locker. I heard a teacher say, "What are you doing here??" and I turned around and saw no one. My friend Airres7 started walking into the classroom with my other friend to get her while the teacher who said it came out of her room. We all stood there in silence and she asked us what we were doing in the building. We said that we were up here to get something for our friend but she said that the person who needs the thing/s that we're getting should be getting it, not us. She didn't let us explain that the girl who needed the thing was about to go to another country and needed it badly. Yep. She wrote our names down and we all thought it was just a warning. We all forgot about it until . . . this.
     None of us, none of my friends and I, have ever gotten a detention at this school. For me, this is my first time getting a detention. My goal was to have a good record for my whole school career. But for just walking into a building, I got a detention.
     I have nothing against the teacher, I just think it is a stupid rule that students aren't allowed inside buildings, even to get things from their lockers, during lunch. It's so stupid!
     The thing is . . . remember how I said that my friends and I were supposed to meet up at lunch to work on our Design? Yeah, well, now, I couldn't. Because I had a freaking pointless detention. I was so, so mad. So mad. I couldn't believe my eyes or ears. What a way to end the term.
     For those that don't know, detention is boring. You just sit in silence and everyone gives each other knowing looks and whispering faces when something weird happens outside the room or someone shouts something funny. It's boring. And the thing is, I wasn't even supposed to be there.
     I can't believe, after 8 years of being at school, I have gotten a single detention until today.

     So I sat detention with my friends, missed my session to finish my Design assessment which is due before 12am tonight, missed eating lunch, my friend missed her dancing lesson, all for walking into a building

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     So I sat detention with my friends, missed my session to finish my Design assessment which is due before 12am tonight, missed eating lunch, my friend missed her dancing lesson, all for walking into a building.
     Being the best friends that they are, my friends marched to the teacher that gave us detention and told her not to hold a grudge against us because we are amazing humans that deserve to be treated equally. I hugged them so tight and thanked them so much. I can't believe I have these amazing humans/non-humans as best friends.
     Please go follow them please, they are beautiful: hufflepuff_queen192 and Winter_Rose_06 !
     Anyway, then I had period 4, which was with TheSilentWolf60 in Science and the teacher moved our class positions and guess who I got to sit next to; Tthe SilaenWolf60 ! Yay! So Science was fun . . .
     I have to say something that only 13+ people should know, so please don't read the italics below because . . . just because:
     I have been stressing all week about getting my period. And I do not want my period heavy on the travelling day. Which is tomorrow. But, I was lucky enough to get my period in Science class. Yay. Tomorrow, I have to be on two flights and a tiring day of rushing around on and off planes all day with my period. Yep, feel sympathy. FEEL IT!!!
     Anyway, for my 5th period, I had my final Geography class where I got my assessment results: a 5 and 6 (a B). Not my best. I am kinda disappointed. But it is the first term, so I'll hopefully improve.
     What's funny is, I walked into Geography, and so many of my friends (random people in my classes) were asking me why I got a detention. Wow, gossip goes around fast, hey? I told them all and they were all so surprised. They know how innocent and not-getting-in-trouble type of person. I've made that reputation. When I confirmed it, they were all shocked as I was when I got the detention slip. One of the students even high-fived me! Haha. Suddenly, I wasn't so sad, I actually felt proud. My first, and hopefully my last, detention.
     For my final period, I had Religion, which is fun. I like Religion. It was a relaxing last period. Also the period where I said goodbye to my classmates who I won't see till next term!
     After school, I sat with TheSilentWolf60 in the hall and we hung out for the last five minutes before I had to go. We hugged and she nearly choked me to death and then I had to go and I was so sad to say goodbye.
     On the bus on the way home, I felt kinda dead inside, so I listened to Dear Evan Hansen to cheer me up and give me hope while I tried to finish my Design assessment.
     At my brother's soccer game, I just sat and watched and then we went out for dinner at Macca's (Mc'Donalds, in Australia, we call it Macca's). I don't usually have Macca's, but tonight was an exception.
     At home, I finished my Design assessment and submitted it so I don't fail, and I completed all my homework and had a shower and wrote this.
     I will be trying to fit in as much writing as I can tomorrow but I'm sorry if I don't get tomorrow's entry out by tomorrow night. Sorry for any inconvenience. But I will try my hardest! I promise!


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