Day 9 in Dalian | Wednesday 24th of April

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Dear Diary,

     When I woke up, I heard new voices in the house. Then I remembered, Oh, my other auntie and uncle are visiting too! And unfortunately for me, the bedroom I am sleeping in is right outside the dining room where all the voices were coming from. And if you live with me, you'll know that I am not a morning person and I am really ugly in the morning. I mean really, really, ugly.
     In the bedroom, I put on my jumper so it wouldn't be awkward for me to walk out of the room in front of people without a bra and just a shirt on. Then I got a tissue and wiped up any dried snot or eye boogers before brushing my hair with my fingers and tying it into a ponytail.
     Then I creeped to the door and slowly opened the door. When I knew that no one saw or heard me, I creeped to the bathroom and freshened up before changing and walking into the dining room. Two of my aunties had gone to the public shower so I met my uncle again.
     Then I sat down and had breakfast before doing some chores. Then I drew for a while. Here's a picture of the stuff I drew this morning:

     Some of the stuff is a bit weird but today's drawings weren't crap!      :)     Then my aunties came home and we spent some time doing some stuff

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     Some of the stuff is a bit weird but today's drawings weren't crap!
     Then my aunties came home and we spent some time doing some stuff. My brother and I played some video games before having lunch with my family. After lunch, I played some Gu Zheng.
     Since there is not enough room in the house for all of us (my dad, my mum, my brother, my auntie, my auntie, my auntie, my uncle, the cat, and I), my parents had to book a hotel room for them till the day we leave. So every night, they will leave to go sleep before returning in the morning. So they got back after lunch after checking in the hotel.
     My mum promised to take me to get my hair done. So while she was getting ready, my dad told me to show my uncle and auntie my art book and some drawings and they were like "woah" every two seconds and I was really happy. I don't like showing people my art book or drawing in public because people always comment. 'Cause I'm an introvert and really shy and prefer to sit alone and read than talk to friends. Honestly. Not that I'd choose books over my best friends but I'm that type of person who sits at the back of the classroom with earphones in and a book in hand. That's me.
     While my uncle was looking in my art book, he also said that he'd like to hear me sing and that he knew that I sing really well. Well, nope.
     Ya know those people who sing a lot but they're not good at it and they have no idea and every time they say they are bad you have to lie and it's really hard?? Yep. Well, I'm scared that's me. That's why I don't like singing in front of people despite them saying that I sing well. I doubt that I sing well. So I don't. How do I know if I'm tone deaf??
     After a while, my mum took me to the hairdresser to wash my hair and get it straightened. Since they expect their customers to all be Chinese, I had to let them know that my Mandarin wasn't the best and I was a foreigner so they wouldn't start asking me about health insurance and school fees and the weather in Australia and which country I liked better.
     Of course, they still asked. They were commenting on how thick my hair was and that it is too long and I should cut it. Like, every five seconds the guy who was straightening my hair was telling me I should cut my hair. I appreciate that he's thinking about my hair and it's health and stuff but I like my long hair, sorry. But the dude doing my hair was really nice and was saying that my Mandarin was good so yeah.
     At home, my dad said that I should get my hair permanently straightened because it looks nice. I always thought that having straight hair would make my face look fat (fatter than it already is) because it's really flat. But, I'll consider it.
     At home, I watched some Hamilton animatics and I died. Some were so sad and the art style is so good I considered throwing my art book out the window or burning it because my art sucks. I can't find my own art style and stick with it for long. And it's annoying 'cause I love drawing! And I want it to be good art but sometimes it turns out like poop.
     So, I was like, super determined to create something good. So I sat down at the desk with my art book, turned to a fresh page, with my mechanical pencil to draw.
     I was really happy with what I drew. It's not dazzling but oh well.
     Here's Maria Reynolds from Hamilton:

     And here's Elizabeth Schuyler/Hamilton from Hamilton:

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     And here's Elizabeth Schuyler/Hamilton from Hamilton:

     This is not my usual style but I like it and might use it more often

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     This is not my usual style but I like it and might use it more often. What do you think??
     After a yummy dinner around a full table, I had a shower before sitting with my sister on the couch and listening to music while she browsed online and I wrote on here.
     Then I went to bed.


Thank you for 156 views! I really, really appreciate it! It's more than I could ever ask for! Thank you! You've made my day by giving it a read! Even a skim!
A shout out to my best friends who make my life less gloomy who are always ready to listen to me rant. Go follow them and read their stories, they deserve it:
DramaQueen16720 , Airres7 , hufflepuff_queen192 , TheSilentWolf60 , Winter_Rose_06 , lizzywallace123
Thanks again for everything!
Have an amazing day!
Love you all!



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