laser tag is the shit man.

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"Fuck off oliver" i crossed my arms looking at this pig.

He smiled "why cant you give me a chance?"

"So you can tell every one we did shit? I barely  even know you creep" i yelled.

" fuck you, you stupid cunt"

He yelled.  My mouth dropped open before i could  hair flip on this bitch  i was being pushed to the side.

" who the fuck do you think you're  talking to?." Vic got in oli's face.

"Piss off this is between  me and him. No one was talking to you immigrant "

"Bitch!" Tony yelled in disbelief.

"Leave" vic seethed in the most menacing tone.

"And if i dont" oli  got closer to vic.

"I'll  fucking end you, now leave before i get my other 'immigrants'  to fuck. You. Up. LEAVE"

Oilver laughed and walked away  to his car.

Vic slammed the door and stood infront of me. I stood there looking at him in utter  shock.

"Are you ok?" Vic smiled.

I nodded slowly. Vic said ok and told tony to make sure  he doesn't come back.  Is it weird  that that was really fucking hott? No? I didnt think so.

"Sooo you guys want pepperoni  or sausage? " tony randomly asked .

"No its ok tony, i actually  should be going." He said looking at his phone to check the time.

I was alittle disappointed.

"See ya tony. And um bye kellin"  he said and kissed my cheek before leaving  the house.  My face was  probably  fifthy shades of red.

"Oh my god!" Tony sqeeled.

"I know!!"

We jumped up and down like  2 fangirls at a 5sos concert.

"Tony your cousin is oh my god" i sighed while flopping  down  on to the couch.

" yeah ..hes pretty great. " tony said  sitting  next to me.

"Hes beautiful " i couldn't  help but get butterflies  just thinking  about him. Tony laughed while i layed on the couch  and daydreamed about vic.


It was a few hours after leaveing  tonys i was just sitting in my room Reading  a new bandfic  when  my phone suddenly vibrated,  i slid down  the notification  bar on my phone, it said i have a kik message.  I open it.

Thechemicalkid: hey

Me: umm hi?

Thechemicalkid: its vic btw didn't  mean to make u feel weird.

I literally  just fangirled !

Alright  kellin keep it calm, keep it cool.

Me: oh hey


Thechemicalkid: so um tony gave me your  kik  hope that's  ok?

Me: totally c:

Thechemicalkid: cool i was actually  wondering  of you where going to tonys birthday  party  next weekend?

Me: um yeah at that laser tag place  right?

Thechemicalkid: -_- yeah i don't  know why.. why would a sixteen  year want a party  there?

Me: cause  laser  tag is the shit! There  isnt an age limit  on laser tag. :D

ThechemicalkidXD  i guess. But um i wanted to ask you if.. maybe you wanted to go together maybe?  Like in the same car.

Oh muh gawd

Me: that's cool

Thechemicalkid:   awesome  c:  so i gtg but ill kik you later?

Me: yeah ok :)

Thechemicalkid: k :)

I screamed  and ran around  my room about three times.   Hottie just basically  asked me out !!

I went to my computer  to skype Alex.  After a few rings he picked up.

He Was laying  on his stomach  shirt less faceing his laptop.

"OH MY GOD GEUSS WHAT?!" I yelled  as soon as  i saw him on the screen.

"WHAT!?" Alex asked  mocking  me .

" i got asked out by that hot guy from the football game " i smiled  feeling accomplished. 

Before alex could  reply  he was being  pushed to the side by jack. " IS THAT KELLIN?"  Jack slid the laptop  to face him. " hey kellin" he smiled.

" heeey" i said back.

"Jack move over!" Alex said pushing jack back alittle.

Both of them  where in the shot of the camera now.

" heard about what happened  between  you and oli, sorry about that Man." Jack frown

"How you know about that?" I asked

"Dee told me "

" omg what doesn't  that nosey bitch know"  i said. Dee knows  everything  about everyone!  And she cant keep a secret, as soon as she knows  something  about someone  thats worth telling she'll  tell the whole school. Shes a drama whore.

" it was on her blog " jack said

" what blog?" Alex asked ,

"Her tumblr?"

"You follow her on tumblr?"

" only one of her blogs  its called fangirl overload  she gots the good gossip. " jack said trying to sound ghetto  at the end.

"I wanna see! Whats the url?"

" uh.. i think its  meandyoulivingunderthepapermoon"

"Hey ! You guys where talking about me here!" I yelled getting  there attention.

"Sorry kell, so when are we gonna meet this guy?"

" tonys  party" i smiled at the thought.

" keeeelllinnnnn dinner! " i hear my mom  call from down stairs.  I said  goodbye to jack an alex and headed down stairs.

Me and vic have  been kiking back and forth all through dinner and now, while im in my room on my  bed.

We've  been getting to know eachother,  hes really funny-shocker! hes perfect duh!, anyway We even flirted  alittle back and forth. I also thanked him for sticking up for me,  no one has ever done  that before.

ThechemicalkidXDDD  i know! Anyway.. i was wondering  if you wanted  to hang out after school  tomorrow?  I dont think i can wait  till  next weekend  to see you again.

I blushed soo hard just then.

Me: um yeaah that'll  be cool :3

Thechemicalkidcool so ill see you tomorrow?  Hows 2:30 ?

Me: perfect

Thechemicalkidawesome  i gtg but see you tomorrow
Night  kells <3

Me: night :3 

if i died right  now  i'd  die the happiest  boy on earth.



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