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Suzie was trembling under the blanket, thinking what was going to happen now. She was in the house of the man she had been avoiding an entire year. And now she was on his bed, just 10 centimeters 'big'.
That nutcase had done this to her just for.....for what exactly?

T.J: How about I leave you to rest here, so you can try to comprehend what has happened?

Suzie threw the blanket off of her in total panic.

S: Please, don't leave! I'm scared, Sir.

T.J: There is no need for formalities, looking at the situation. Call me T.J.  

S: S...Suzie.

T.J: I can not imagine how you feel at this moment but please believe when I say that you are safe here. I hope you allow me the benefit of doubt so I can prove to you that not all men are crazy scum.

S: I know you are not, but I am still scared.

T.J: Why don't you try to sleep for a bit, I will sit right here beside the bed.

S: Thank you, T.J.

T.J: You're welcome. Now close your eyes. I will protect you with my life.

With that reassurance, Suzie drifted of to sleep.

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