That night/The note

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// Two chapters in one //

After her brother left, T.J. returned to the living-room expecting to find Suzie crying but when he scooped her up of the floor, he noticed she wasn't crying yet she was very pale.

T.J: You okay?

S: Its just... I shouldn't be surprised at how he reacted... but still... I'm tired, can you take me to the bedroom please?

It was still kind of early to hit the hay but he had a feeling she was on the verge of breaking down, which was long overdue. It was more then a week ago that that nutcase shrunk her and she had yet to shed a tear. In his opinion Suzie was a strong woman but every strong person had a breaking point, and she was entering hers so T.J. sat her down in the drawer next to his bed, in which he made a makeshift bedroom for her with a light bulb key-chain so that if she wished for some privacy she wouldn't be engulfed in darkness when he closed the drawer. T.J wanted nothing more than to to make sure she was comfortable. After that he took of his clothes of until he was in his boxers and slipped under the covers.

Sure enough, no more than five minutes later Suzie started sobbing. Even tough she tried to cover up the sound by pushing her fist to her lips, he still heard her. T.J. carefully reached out in the drawer and gently lifted her up and placed her next to him on the pillow.

S: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.

T.J: You didn't and won't ever disturb me! Just let it all out, sweetie.

S: Why did this happen to me? I did nothing to entice him. I don't deserve this. Now I can't do anything myself and my last year in college is ruined. I will have to do it all over. That's if I ever get back to normal.

T.J: I know this may not be what you want to hear right now but everything is going to be all right, I will make sure of that.

S: How?

T.J: That I don't now yet but I will use every means possible to restore your size even if it takes me all my life and money. And about your studies, you can learn trough online classes. I will set that up for you.

S: That's nice but I can not be a burden to you.

T.J: You are not and will never be a burden.

S: If it's okay by you I want to go to sleep. Can I sleep here for one night?

T.J: Sure sweetie.

The next day

T.J had left to go do groceriesshopping and left Suzie not wanting to risk her getting seen or hurt anyway so left her on the floor in his house-office after he set her up with the utilities to study online.
Suzie now had access to a piece of paper and a pencil laying on the floor. At that point she knew what to do so she picked up the pencil, which was heavier than she expected (eventhough T.J had broken it in half) and started to write a farewell note to T.J. thinking it was for the best she left him.
She was signing the letter when the pencil was ripped out of her arms and she felt herself being picked up by the hem of her shirt. She squeaked in fear although knowing it was T.J., whom she saw was angry for some reason when he lifted her up to meet is eyes.

T.J: What are you doing?

S: Writing a note.

T.J: I can see that. Why are you writing it instead of studying?

For some reason she didn't answer so T.J. sighed in annoyance

T.J: Fine, I will read the letter than.
Dear T.J. first of all I would like to thank you for your help, care and patience. I know how I have been an inconvenience and a burden, not only to you but also to my brother. I do not wish to impose on you any longer. If I am to disappear than you can return to your normal life, never having to think of me again. I am sure this is for the best. Suzie

T.J. took in a deep breath, trying desperately to calm down. He knew that it were the emotions and the situation taking its tole on her but still...what she wrote hurt him for some reason he couldn't explain.

T.J:So you think it best to leave?

S: Yes.

T.J: What would you do out there?

S: I don't know but I would't be a burden to anyone!

T.J: Do you think you will be safe? Well, let me sketch you the situation that probably will happen: 1. You go outside and some animal will take you as his next meal. 2. A child sees you and you will be treated like a doll. And 3. Someone sees you and maybe sell you to the government which will lock you in a cage and use you as a test subject. Do you still want to leave?

S: Y...Yes. It is for the best.

T.J: Then you leave me no other choice!

S: What are you going to do?

T.J. walked over to his bar, opened a cupboard with a see trough glass door, cleaned it out, set her down, closed the door and locked it. Suzie gasped in outrage, slamming her fists against the glass.

S: You can't do this! I am not some criminal you have to lock up!

T.J: As long as you stay convinst that you have to leave and might end up hurting yourself, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even from yourself!

S: I hate you for this.

Hearing her say that made him cringe inside but he didn't budge.

T.J: There's a Dutch saying: love and hate are close related. I'm sorry but as long as you are in this state of mind you are staying in there.

// love and hate are close related: haat en liefde liggen dicht bij elkaar.
there are probably not many people who can read the translation but i still wrote it down ;-) Hope you like the chapters. Comments are welcomed //

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