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Later that night, T.J felt something trying to move his hand from Suzie. After blinking a few times, he than saw that it was Finn and he had an unconscious Suzie in his hands. The look in the mans eyes gave way to his insanity. T.J tried to move but felt himself unable to.

F: You arrogant fool, do you really think I would let her be with you? She will be mine, or she will be no ones. it is only I who she can be with. I will say this to you: leave us be or I will kill her!

After that phrase Finn knocked T.J out cold, to be found in the morning by a very worried David and Sydney. David shook him in to consciousness.

D: What the hell happend? You have a black eye and Suzie is gone.

T.J: Get Ben, we need him! Finn got in here and took Suzie.

D: Ben had to leave, got a lead on a case, won't be back for a while so we are on our on. T.J, it's gonna be... 

T.J: Don't, David. I know you mean well but you didn't see the look in his eyes. It was the look of a madman who is about to do something terrible.

D: You didn't let me finish my sentence. It's gonna be a pain in the ass for me to remake the machine I once used on Sydney, but if you can hold on to chasing after Finn for a little while, than we can both go and give him the punishment he deserves.

Sy: Than get going, you silly professor. We will look up that nutjob's adress and be ready to depart when you are.

D: Sweetheart, you know I hate for anyone to know that nickname.

Sy: Stop pouting and get to it! Love you! 

same time at Finn's place

Su: Please don't do this!

F: You have to be punished for what you did!

Su: I didn't to anything! Please stop

F: No, you will learn to obey me, if not, there will be consequences. Now, I heard from that idiot brother of yours that you never learned how to swim. I already placed you in big rectangular fishbowl that is placed under a slow running faucet, the water at ankleheight. I am willing to forgive you if you promise to yield to me.

Su: I rather drown.

F: So be it. 

About Five Hours later

The water was past the point where Suzie couldn't touch the bottom anymore. Thanks to T.J's persistence on learning to swim she was able to stay afloat by paddling her feet but that was becoming really tiresome. Finn was just standing ther looking down 

F: You ready to yield to me?


F: You are pushing it.

The doorbell rang. Finn lifted the aquarium and placed it under the table.

F: Don't go anywhere, I will be right back.

Finn was convinced that he had scared T.J into staying away so he opened the frontdoor without checking who was there first.

T.J grabbed Finn by the collar of his shirt, pulling the guy towards him.

F: How did you find me?

T.J: Your employmentfiles. Where is Suzie?

F: I will not tell. Besides she is undergoing her penance. 

T.J nearly chocked the man to death at that comment.

T.J: Where is she?! I will not ask again!

Finn pointed at the kitchen.

Suzie was to tired to keep paddling and started to go under more and more. Just when she thought everything was over, a pair of jeansclad legs appeared in front of her. She knew them from everywhere. It was T.J.! but then they went away.                                                                            Suzie started to scream for him but got a mouthful of water that made her go down once again. it was over, he would not find her here.                                                                                                                    Suddenly a hand trussed trough to water and scooped her out. Seconds later she was engulfed by warmth as T.J pressed her against his chest.


T.J: I will go to the end of the world if need be to find and save you! You are everything to me!

S: C...cold.....t...tired.

T.J: Close your eyes and go to sleep, sweety.

T.J carefully wrapped Suzie in a think handkerchief and went back to the hallway where Finn was standing pressed against the wall by David.

T.J: David, if you would hold Suzie, I can take care of this piece of shit.

David took over Suzie and backed away to let T.J get to Finn.

F: can't do anything to me!

T.J: You truly  are insane if you think I am going to let you of the hook that easy. You hurt and tried to kill the woman I love and for that, you will pay dearly.

He jabbed the syringe in Finns neck and than released him so he crumpled to ground, immediately starting to shrink but not losing consciousnesses. T.J bend down slowly  and menacingly.  Than grabbed the now tiny man in a tight fist.

T.J: I could kill you right here and now.

Making sure his point came across, he tightened his fist a bit harder. Finn lost consciousness from fear

D: T.J, he isn't worth it. Give him to me, I'll let Karen play a day or two with him, that'll be a worse punishment than death, I can promise you that. Afterwards I will make my potion for him to get back to his normal height and than he will leave for good! You go home and see if the device works.

After exchanging Finn for Suzie, T.J went home.

There he laid her down on the couch and waited for Suzie to wake up. Which didn't take long when she no longer felt the warmth of his hands.

Su: T.J? Where are you? Was I dreaming? Please, no...

T.J: Shh, calm down, sweetie, I am right here.

Suzie looked up and gasped.

Su: this real? I died, didn't I? And this is hell torturing me with things I can never have!

T.J held out is hand, waited for Suzie to take it, pulled her in his arms and kissed her senseless.

T.J: Now do you believe it?

Su: I will say it again: this is heaven! 

//I hope the ending doesn't suck to much. Wanted to finish the story//

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