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Donghyuck had been in love with Renjun since Renjun was 15. He knew it could never work out between them, but he couldn't help himself. Some would say he was a little crazy for Renjun.He knew what would happen to him if the older made new friends, and he wasn't ready to let go just yet. 

Donghyuck knew about Heejin's mom's homophobia, so he pushed the two to come out, but he didn't expect her dad to be so supportive. 

He was frustrated, to say the least. He kept trying to push people away from Renjun, and it usually worked, but he was having trouble with Heejin. He knew it was selfish, of course, but he couldn't help himself. 

One could call him insane, or evil, and maybe they were right. He had a hold on Renjun's life, and he wasn't going to let it go any time soon. 

If Renjun made friends, Donghyuck would disappear, and be gone forever. No grand afterlife, no celebration, no punishment, just darkness. Emptiness. There was absolutely nothing on the other side of life. 

So Donghyuck needed all of Renjun's attention. And he was going to get it, no matter the cost. 

wow some actual plot 

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