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L: So what did he say this time? *rolls eyes*
A: He just said hi and if I wanted to meet up with him
K: Didn't you tell him that you are leaving for a whole month?
A: I did like a million times
J: Maybe he has short term memory loss?
A: Oh I'm sure he doesn't
L: Annie, I know this may not be the best day, but you should break up with him
K: Yeah. He's totally not worth it. He cheated on you once already
J: Oh dang this just got serious
A: Okay...
K: You don't seem too sure about that.
A: I know it's just tha---
*The door bell rings*
J: Oh it must be Asher and Hayden
L: I thought they were coming at night
J: It's 7:00 pm Lauren
L: Oops I forgot about that
J: I'll get the door. Annie, whatever you do, good luck
A: Thanks
*Johnny goes downstairs to get the door*
K: so it's what Anns?
A: I don't know really. It's not like love or anything but I'm just scared if anything bad happens
L: Like what?
A: Like---
K: Exactly. Nothing will happen. Yes, maybe you'll have a few sad days but it'll make you feel way better about yourself.
A: Okay here goes nothing.
*Annie rings her boyfriend*
L: Put it on speaker

(For now:)
Ab: (Annie's boyfriend) former

Ab: Hey Annie. Where have you been?
A: I told you, I'm at Lauren's for a whole month
Ab: ohhhh yeah. I'm sorry I forgot.
A: I told you a million times. How could you forget?
Ab: I'm sorry. I just have a million things on my head.
A: Like what? Cheating on me a second time?!
*Lauren and Kenzie silently cheer*
Ab: That was a month ago!?
A: And so was your promise that you'd always love me!
Ab: What are you trying to say babe?
*Annie looks at Lauren and Kenz*
*Lauren and Kenzie give a quiet cheer*
Ab: You've got to me kidding me
A: No. I'm sick and tired of you letting me down everyday and me having to put up with it.
Ab: You know you're doing this to the quarterback on the football team right?
A: And there you go with your stupid self confidence
Ab: Fine. Break up with me. Just don't come back and cry to be back with me.
A: Oh trust me I won't
Ab: Ugh
*turns off call*
K: Aww I'm so proud
A: I love you guys
*They all hug*
*In the middle of cheering, Johnny and his 2 friends walk in*
J: Did we miss anything?
*Annie stares at one guy, Lauren stares at the other, while Kenzie just kept staring at John like always*
End of chapter 3❤️
The next chapter will bring all the content of the ships so wAiT

Only One Month (Jenzie,Layden, Ashannie)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora