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*9 days left in Canada*
*It is now 3:34 pm at the Orlando's house*
*Kenzie, Lauren and Annie start packing*

K: Hey Lauren, did you see my bracelet?
L: What do you mean?
K: Like you know, the one I got before we left from LA?
L: uhh, I don't follow
K: *sighs* uh Anns?
A: Yes Kenz?
K: Did you see my bracelet?
A: Specifically?
K: The one I got before leaving LA. Remember, I was like 'oh I forgot something.'
A: You really expect me to remember with that?
K: *laughs a bit* Sorry. I mean like the one from my mom. The one she gave me before I left for college
L: Wait the pink and black beaded bracelet with charms?
K: Yeah! Did you see it?
L: no.
*Kenzie turns to Annie*
A: Nope. Haven't seen it
L: Don't you wear it all day?
K: No. I know it's dumb to not
A: Don't worry Kenz, we're all dumb at times
*Kenzie rolls her eyes*
A: What's so special about it?
L: Her mom gave it to her before she left for college
K: That, and also because the charms had special notes on them. It was custom made. Ugh I need to find it
L: Aw. Well good luck
*Kenzie runs to Meredith*
MM: Are you okay Kenz?
K: Well yeah but I'm missing something
MM: What is it? I may have seen it around
K: It's my bracelet. It has charms on it, it has pink and black medium sized beads, and it was from my mom
MM: Aw I'm sorry Mackenzie. I haven't seen it around. If I do find anything like that, I'll make sure to check it with you
K: Thanks Meredith
M: Aw, why not turn that down upside down?
K: *Kenzie forces her smile*
MM: *Pats her back* don't worry Kenz, we'll find it
*Kenzie smiles at that thought*
K: Okay thank you so much
MM: No problem.
*Kenzie rushes upstairs and goes to Johnny's room*
K: Hey John?
*Johnny was studying and so he got up from him chair*
K: oops I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you?
J: No no don't worry Kenz. What's up?
K: Did you see my--
*Kenzie looks around the room*
*Kenzie sees her purple and black beaded bracelet on Johnny's bed*
J: What?
K: *hugs Johnny* *kisses him a million times* oh thanks you so much! I don't know what I would've done without it!
J: That's great, but how did I even help with finding this? I think you left it last night
K: oh okay. I don't know, it's in your room, so it's...i don't know just... I found it
J: *laughs* I can see that. Is that why you were talking so loudly?
K: oops
*They both laugh*
J: Well at least you found it
K: *smiles* yes. I'm gonna leave you alone now. I'm gonna talk to you later, k?
J: okay Kenz. Are you packing now?
K: barely *laugh* but yeah I am a bit
J: aw *frowns*
K: *hugs John* don't worry, we'll see each other again. And we can text and face time every day when we're free
J: Yeah, at least let's thank God for technology
K: *laughs* yeah
End of chapter 35 ♡
Hahahwjsbwbise this reminds me of Peppa Pig jsjsjsjjss 😩🐷

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