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*3 days pass by. There are now 24 more days till Lauren, Annie and Kenzie leave*
*The morning at the Orlando's house*
*Kenzie wakes up*
K: *yawns*
J: Kenz! I've been trying to wake you up for the past 10 minutes!
K: Oh! What time is it?
J: 1:00...pm!
K: Oh shoot.
J: Let's go. We're going to be late!
*Kenzie and Johnny are going on their first date*
*Rewind to 2 days ago*
*Texting between Kenzie and Johnny*

J: Hey Kenz

K: Hey John

J: Could you come over to the café?

K: Why?

J: I need to show you something

K: Okay....Where is the café?

J: It's a block away from our house. The one with the brown front.

K: Okay. I'm coming with Lauren

J: Don't. Just come alone

K: Is this a murder you're planning? 😂

J: Noooo 😂😂

K: I'll trust you on this

J: Just come quick

K: Okay meet you in 5 minutes

J: See you

*Texting ends*

*Kenzie starts rushing out the door. She opens the front door and sees Lauren, Annie, Asher and Johnny in front of the door*

K: I thought you were at the Café. And why is Lauren, Asher and Annie here?
J: It's a special day Kenz...
K: What do you mean? What are these flowers for?
J: I've heard
K: Heard what, John?
J: That you like me
J: ....Lauren
K: Lauren?
L: *nervous face* hey Kenz ..
J: Don't get mad at her. I asked
K: And so you told him?
L: No no. He told me first that he liked u
L: oops...
K: What?!
A: This is a fail
Ash: Good luck to the both of you. I'm going inside
J: Thanks so much Lauren.
L: Sorry...
J: Okay then. What I wanted to say was, Kenzie, from the moment I saw you, you were gorgeous. Yes, it's only been a couple of days since you visited but I'd love to be with you. You're super nice, funny and did I say that you're gorgeous? So Mackenzie, will you go out with me?
K: *shocked*
A: Say yes!!!
*Kenzie runs over to Johnny and hugs him*
J: Date in 2 days?
K: Would love to
L: I may have ruined things, but it seems like I solved it
A: Keep your pride to yourself
*Everyone laughs*
End of chapter 14♡
Sorry for the late chapter 😭
I usually post between 2 days but now it has been 4 oops 😬

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