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(This will be a fast/short type of chapter. This is a texting chapter. I TRIED my best haha) (abbreviated texts and words are used)

*Texting between Hayden and Lauren*

3:26 am

L: This is Hayden, right?      

H: Lauren! It's 3:00!

L: Ik ik, I'm just not tired

H: Me either haha

L: Are you pulling an all nighter or smth?

H: I'm not trying to but I sure am rn

L: Same. Are you trying to pretend to sleep?
H: Trying my hardest. Is everyone else asleep?

L: Yeah. That's why I'm texting u. Hbu?

H: Yeah. I just hope my mom doesn't wake up out of nowhere

L: Why? Are you making some type of noise?

H: Haha no. I mean I hope not😬

L: 😂😂

H: Today was fun

L: Yeah the spaghetti was really good. It was really soft and slimy and had some amazing sauce

L: Shoot, now I'm just getting hungry

H: I've been there 😂 Wanna do that another day?....but as in just us?

L: A date?🤔

H: Not really. We're not dating or anything.

L: I guess so

H: You don't seem too sure about that. 😉

L: hAyDeN!!! 😂😂

H: Shhhh. Now do you want to? I mean as in friends.

L: Yeah sure

H: Monday?

L: Yeah sure. I don't mind.

H: So basically in 2 days

L: nOoOoO

H: 😂😂

H: Any boyfriend?

L: That was random 😂

L: No. Why?

H: Just asking.

L: Okay...😳

L: do u have a gf?

H: Nope. Why?

L: "just asking"


H: fuxk I just let out a burst of laughter. My mom heard me and I think she's coming here. I gtg now.

L: okay bye and good luck trying to sleep ttyl

H: Gn Lauren ♥️

L: 💛

*End of texts*
End of chapter 11♡
I tried being CrEaTiVe haha
Sorry for the curse word oops 😬 (I spelled it wrong on purpose lmao)

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