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*7 days left in Canada*
*The 6 friends hop into their car and head to an escape room*
(Soooo idk how escape rooms are in Canada but I'm just gonna write about how my escape room was so yeahhhh)
*It was 2:30 pm and they enter the studio*
*Johnny signs in and the host welcomes them to their game room. It was Haunted themed*
*the host explained their story. They were curious kids who went to the woods to explore and then they see a cabin. They go inside and the door slams behind them. They hear a little girl's voice which tells them to free her spirit or they'll be trapped in her cabin with her forever.*
*the host tells them that they only have 3 hints and when they need one, they have to knock on the door*
*the host says how they don't have much light but as the game progresses they'll get more light. He says that they only have one little torch for their light source. He hands it to Johnny*
*the host tells them to have fun and leave the room. They only had an hour to complete the game*
*the room had a bed, a sofa, a fire place, shelves and other normal room things. The room was dark*
L: Oooo this seems fun
*The voice talks*
(Btw when I say 'voice' it means the audio of the little girl)
//For now:\\
AV: audio voice (voice of the little girl)

AV: I'm so glad you're here. I've been alone for so long. Please free me. If you don't, I have no choice but to lock you inside. I mean that wouldn't be bad in my behalf *laughs creepily* Hmm, I'm actually getting hungry
A: *holds on to Asher's hand*
AV: Please find the keys to 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00. Mommy gives me snacks at those times everyday. do it fast!
K: hmmm. *looks around* hey look! There are 4 clocks at each corner. 12, 3, 6, and 9. One north, one south, one east, and one west! *steps closer to them* And look! There are key holes
J: I'm dating such a smart ass
*they all laugh*
H: So I guess we just have to find the keys
Ash: Doesn't seem that easy haha
(So obviously I don't remember EVERY word of the little girl but this is like the overall riddle or info she gave to my friends and I)
*the group tries to find the key around the room*
(This will go in the best order my friends and I found things. I'm trying my best to remember haha)
(So basically I'm just gonna write in which ways and where we found things and maybe with a bit of the jokes that we had)
*there was a fish tank in the corner of the room*
A: Hey look guys! There are fishes!
L: I don't think we should spend our hour just being fascinated by fishes. The water is dirty either way
*everyone laughs*
A: Wait, look. There's something in there
*Annie grabs this net placed right next to the tank*

*meanwhile, Johnny and Kenzie are looking for a key*
J: Look Kenzie, this cabinet opens
K: Is there anything there?
J: ummm *johnny takes out this weird toilet tool* there's this
K: what is that?
J: Idk *smirks* but it's wet and it stinks
K: Why are you smir— wait, no John, don't your dare put that on me
J: too late! *he rubs the weird tool on Kenzie's shirt
K: You are so dead!
*they laugh and tease each other*
*hayden comes over*
H: You guys are wasting time
K: oops sorry. What is Annie, Lauren, and Asher doing there?
H: I don't know. Annie found something in the fish tank.
*johnny looks into the cabinet*
J: Wait. Kenz, Hayden, LOOK!
*johnny holds up a key*
J: *yells to everyone* guys! I found a key!
A: *also yells to everyone* and look guys! I found something too!
*Asher steps closer to what Annie found*
Ash: That's not a key
A: But it looks like it could come in handy
L: Lets just hold on I it
AV: 5 minutes have past! Hope you were using the time!
K: Can we focus on the key? Insert it in a clock!
*johnny puts the key into a clock*
J: It fits but it's not doing anything
*Annie twists the key into the clock and the clock lights up*
A: Aha! I'm a genius!
Ash: And we got our first good source of light!
L: Okay let's find our next key
*the group splits*
*johnny sees a door*
J: Hey guys look! There's a door
L: Open it. Maybe it'll help with this
J: *tries opening the door* it's not budging
*each of the member tries to open the door*
A: This is actually scaring me
J: Yeah
*piano plays from no where *
Everyone: AH!
K: Guys calm down! There's a piano here and I'm playing it!
J: You're so gonna pay for this
*kenzie laughs hard*
H: Johnny, bring the torch here. I think I found something
*johnny goes over to Hayden*
H: Hey look guys! I found another key!
(I'm gonna try speeding things up right now because the chapter is getting pretty long)
*hayden finds a key compartment inside a glass case*
L: Oh and look. This is cool. There's an old disk player
A: Start it
*lauren starts the disk*
L: This is calming
*hayden makes another clock light up*
K: The room is getting a bit lighter.
A: Not helping much though
AV: I'm glad you're starting to feel way better. I'm sure you're gonna like it here at home. Just 2 more keys to go *laughs*
L: Okay just get the next key. I want to get out of here fast!
*the group looks around*
Ash: Hey guys, there's this bookcase here but it's not opening
K: It doesn't have a handle. Of course it wouldn't open!
L: Guys! Look!
*everyone goes to lauren*
L: There's this shelf I found filled with books. Can each of you look through the pages and see if there's a key?
K: Okay how about you, Hayden and Asher look through that. Johnny, Annie and I will look at other things
H: Okay
*while flipping through the book, Asher finds a key*
Ash: Hey! I found the 3rd key!
K: And I found the 4th!
*kenzie finds a key under the sofa*
*they twist the keys into the clock and the clocks light up*
Everyone: Yes!
AV: Thank you so much! I'm really happy that I can now eat with some light. My dad gives me treats every once in a while when we spend time together in his desk. *laughs* Once he caught me going through his clothes when I found his luggage while looking for monsters underneath. He showed me his secret where he would open the window. *laughs creepily* could your please do me that? My mom barely lets me even look outside of the house.
K: Dang, I feel bad for that girl
J: Yeah
A: So what do we do?
AV: You have 40 minutes left! HEHE
L: gosh she scares me so much
Ash: Wait. So she said something about wanting us to open the window
H: And she said it was her father's secret
L: And she said it was in his clothes inside a luggage
J: So where's the luggage?
A: Let's look around
K: Wait guys! She said she found it while looking for monsters
L: So?
K: Monsters under the bed!
J: Of course!
*they all stare at Kenzie*
K: What, I'm not looking under that
Ash: I'll do it *looks under the bed*
Ash: I see something! Get the torch here
End of chapter 39♡
Long chapter I got there haha 😉
Idk my escape room experience was so funnnn
It was for my birthday with just the closest of my friends and there were 4 boys and 5 girls and idk it was just really fun bcuz the first time I went to one was for this little girl's party idek why I went bcuz I didn't even know her. Since there were a lot of people, I got a room with all the adults 🤦🏻‍♀️ how fun🤬
Oh shit I hate saying this but Danielle Cohn's song "somebody like you" is actually really good and I'm late but idfc HAHAH 😅😔😭
Ohhh and I'm sorry that I may have not put commas everywhere! This was kinda rushed 😬
i'Ve bEeN sEaRcHiNg fOR a LoNg TiMe fOr sOmEbOdY LiKe yOuUuU
nEvErEndIng sToRyyyy aHaHaHaH
^just my little song rant

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