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L: We're leaving mom!
MM: Okay bye girls! Have fun and be safe!
A: We will!
K: Bye Aunt Meredith. Bye John! *Smiles*
J: *smiles back* bye kenzie
*Lauren, Annie and Kenzie head out the door*
J: Make sure to not trash up my car!
L: I'll make sure to *laughs*
*The girls get inside the car*
A: So where are we going again?
L: Starbucks.
K: Yes!
A: What was so urgent?
K: Yeah. And why couldn't Johnny come?
L: Of course you'd ask that
K: *rolls eyes*
L: We have to talk about the boy drama
K: What do you mean?
L: I'll explain everything in Starbucks
A: Okay. Is it bad?
L: Not really
A: Thank God
*They arrive at Starbucks. They order their drinks and sit down*
K: Ugh this Pink Drink is SO good!
*They laugh*
L: So what I want to talk about is boy drama
A: But there's no drama going on
L: No not that. It's that we all like someone
A: I don't.
L: You like Asher, Anns.
A: Well...
K: Annie...
A: okay yes I do. don't tell anyone though
L: We won't. But besides that fac---
K: Who do you like Lauren? *Smirks*
L: *gets shy* Hayden if you haven't figured out
K+A: Knew it!
A: They did text at 3 am
L: How do you know?!
A: I was awake Lauren *laughs*
L: Well that's besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that we should all either come out to them or just not do anything at all
K: Why can't they just do it? We'll wait
L: Exactly. The 'wait' could be years when we're going back in 28 days
A: She has a point
K: Yeah
A: What if they don't like us like that and it gets super awkward?
K: Annie, I'm sure they do haha
L: So what are you guys going to do?
A: I'm just going to let him go. Besides, I just got through a break up
K: But Annie...
A: I might see him another time but this year just isn't it
L: Oh. Well Kenz, what are you going to do?
K: I think I'm going to confess
A: Ooooo. When?
K: Not soon that's for sure
L: Well it should be sooner than 28 days
K: Yeah. How about you, Lauren?
L: I don't know it. I'll think about it though
K: Okay
A: Well, I finished my drink. Let's go?
L: Sure
*They all head back home with thoughts in their head*
End of chapter 13♡
I'm getting so tired these days🤦
Sorry that I missed a couple of commas here and there but it's just that I have no energy these days😳

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