
623 20 2

*Hayden and Lauren are about to kiss but is interrupted by...*
MM: Kids! I'm going to bed!
J: Okay mom!
L: Good night!
Everyone: Night!
A: Now where were we?
L: I can't do this
Ash: Why not?
L: We're not even dating
K: C'mon Lauren. It'll only be a peck
*Lauren looks at Hayden*
H: If Lauren doesn't want to do it, then I can't either
Ash: Okay fine then. We'll just skip your turn
H: Sorry guys
J: No, we're sorry. We were kind of peer pressuring you
K+A+Ash: Yeah sorry Hayden
*Hayden smiles*
*They continue their game of truth or dare*
*11:30 right now*
J: I'm getting tired guys. I think I'll go to bed.
K: Same. We'll all talk tomorrow
J: Asher and Hayden can be in my room
L: Okay good night
A: Good night guys
Everyone: good night!
*They all go to their beds and fall asleep*

*1:24 am*
*Hayden gets a message from Lauren*

         //Texting between Lauren
                     and Hayden//

L: "sorry I didn't kiss you. But it's obvious I wanted to"

*Hayden gets a link from Lauren from the the song and listens to the first part of the song singing 'sorry I didn't kiss you. But it's obvious I wanted to'*

*Texting continues*

H: Do you mean that or did you send that by accident?

L: I mean it.

H: That's sweet

L: Did I just make things awkward?

H: No no. I feel the same way 💛

L: 💛

L: I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do. Look, I really like you but I just wasn't ready for a kiss...at least not now

H: It's fine. I totally get it.

H: Well since we feel the same way...

H: Will you maybe go out with me?

L: Oh. I wasn't expecting that

H: I'll understand if it's a no

L: I'm sorry. Yes, I do really like you but I just think I might need some time to think about it. College is really on my mind. But you're amazing ♥️

H: Oh okay

L: No no, I don't mean to make you seem that way. I just mean that I really like you but I'm not too ready. You're the best actually. And look, I do want to say yes but I'm also thinking no because a lot is happening right now. Is it okay if I get some time?

H: I'll wait. Don't worry about it

L: Ty♥️💞

H: Np 💜 btw, what are you doing up so late?

L: Just thinking ya know

L: hbu?

H: Oh, I wasn't up

L: 😯

L: sry...I didn't mean to wake u up

H: no no totally fine

L: You can go to sleep now. And thank you for understanding. I'll let you know if I do make a decision 💚 😘

H: good night. And I'll wait ♥️

*Texting ends*

*Lauren smiles and puts her phone down*
End of chapter 24♡
Okay I normally do not think my chapters are cute but I think this one is 💚💚💚💚
Oh and this is kind of based on a true story 😉🙃💛
Oh and please don't peer pressure. Even the tiniest thing like kissing someone can make someone feel uncomfortable ♥️ (just needed to get that out there)
(Oh and you can press the link. The song is great 💫)
(Sorry if you don't understand some of the abbreviations 💞)

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