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*11 more days left in Canada*
*Kenzie is finishing up last minute college stuff and Johnny is on his phone in the same room*
K: John?
J: Yes Kenz?
K: Are you okay with, you know, us?
J: *kisses her* of course Kenz. What do you mean?
K: I mean that we'll have a long distant relationship. Are you okay with that?
J: Of course. I'd be okay with anything as long as you're with me
K: *smiles*
J: Why? Do you have a problem with it?
K: No no, not at all. I was just worried that you'd be annoyed with it. I can't come back until the summer. I mean yes, this is my last year in college, but I have to live in LA, near my mom because, you know, she's getting old and I also have this singing thing going on there so I have to stay there
J: Oh Kenzie! I forgot to tell you. Ever since your injuries, I've forgotten to tell you
K: What is it? Is it good?
J: It's great news. I'm moving to LA with Asher!
K: Really?!
J: Yes! Asher and I found a great job there for our singing career
K: That's amazing! We can sing together! And that's so good for Annie. I should go tell her
J: No no Kenz. Sit down and rest. Asher already told her today. She was happy as well
K: That's so good. The 4 of us could live together!
*Kenzie and Johnny give a big hug*
K: But wait.
J: What's the problem Kenz?
K: Is Hayden going anywhere? I mean Lauren. They really like each other. I'm sure they're not going to be willing to be separated for a long time.
J: Don't worry about them. Lauren is living here in Canada for a while to stay with my parents and sisters.
K: What about Hayden? Doesn't he really live in LA?
J: Yeah, but he's going to stay on Canada for a while
K: This is great!
J: *smiles* yes Kenz, yes.
End of chapter 32 ♡
School finally ended! Butttt I have to study for the shsat which is a big test in NY that you have to take to get into one of the top schools 🤦
This chapter sucks 🤢

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