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*Asher, Johnny and Hayden are inside Johnny's car*
J: Hayden, we need to talk
*Asher immediately knows what Johnny is talking about*
H: What?
Ash: Is there something you didn't tell us?
H: What do you mean
J: You told Lauren something about letting you know when she knows
Ash: Yeah...something like that
*Hayden smiles*
J: So?
H: I asked Lauren out
J+Ash: What?!
Ash: That's so cool dude!
J: What'd she say?
H: It's not the best answer...
Ash: Ugh just say it
J: Is it a no?
H: She said she needed time to think about it
J: That's not too bad
H: Not the best either
Ash: Well she has less than I think 22 days to tell you her answer
H: Yeah.
J: Don't force her to answer. I know my sister very well and the last thing she'd want to be is forced
H: Okay thanks Johnny
Ash: Okay whatever she says, just tell me it right after
H: Okay
Ash: So what should I get Annie
J: uhmmm....flowers?
H: That's kind of simple. I mean yes, get her flowers but also give her something better
Ash: Like?
H: Chocolates and makeup
Ash: I don't know anything about makeup
J: I mean I know a bit
Ash: Really? That's kind of weird though
J: I live with 3 sisters Asher. I learned a lot from them
Ash: Can you help me once you're free?
J: Sure. Why not?
*Johnny arrives at the library*
J: Okay bye Ash. Call me whenever you need me
Ash: Okay bye John. Bye Hayden
H: Bye
J: do you need a ride to come back?
Ash: nah it's fine. I can take the bus. I'll be back in like 30 minutes
J: k see ya
*Asher Leaves*
J: come to the front seat
*Hayden gets into the passenger seat*
H: I'm feeling that Lauren barely likes me
J: I know my sister really well Hayden. I'm sure she likes you
H: By?
J: Well we always tease you with her and she always blushes
H: I hope that's the case
J: Why do you even like her. The last time you saw her before this trip was like 3 years ago
H: I don't know. Before she was really pretty as well but I never liked her this much. Dude, your sister is so pretty, nice and funny as well
J: ew that's not my sister at all
H: *laughs* I shouldn't have said that
J: Don't worry. I get that...about Kenz, not Lauren
*They both laugh*
*Johnny arrives at Hayden's house*
J: Well tell me if she responds. She might tell me before but you never know.
H: Okay. Bye Johnny
J: Bye Hayden
End of chapter 26 ♡
Kind of a boring chapter 😳
We're only up to day 22 so this might as well be a long book 😉
Tehee 💋💋

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