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*All the friends get inside the car and then drive to the mall*
*They arrive at the mall in 10 minutes. They get out of the car*

J: Okay you guys only have one hour to shop. We'll all meet up here, at the center of the mall, in one hour. Remember, don't tell anyone who you got
Everyone: Okay
*They all disappear to shop*
*Annie looks for a gift for Lauren in Victoria's Secret. Lauren gets a gift for Asher at Game's Stop and Modell's. Asher looks for a gift for Annie in Bath and Body Works and Pink. Kenzie buys a gift for Hayden at Target. Hayden gets a gift for Johnny inside Express and Home Depot. Johnny gets a gift for Kenzie inside H&M* (Read the end part at the end please. Like actually. The whole thing please)
*One hour passes and only Lauren, Annie, and Kenzie are at the center of the mall*
K: Where the heck are the guys?
L: I don't know. I tried calling them so many times
A: And they said that we take forever
*The girls laugh*
A: I'm gonna go get Starbucks. Text me when they're here
K: Get me a Pink Drink please
L: And get me a vanilla bean milkshake with whipped cream, thanks
A: no problemo highnesses
*7 minutes pass and Annie comes back with the drinks*
A: They're still not here?
K: *looks at her phone* nope
L: Look! There they are!
K: finally.
*The guys meet the girls*
J: Sorry....
A: You should be
Ash: At least we got valuable gifts
L: I hope that's the case
H: I do too. I didn't waste all this money for nothing
*They all laugh*
*They go inside Johnny's home. They unpack everything inside his living room*
A: Okay now that we got everything ready, let's start. Welcome to the first year of winter break-secret, uh...santa? I don't know whatever. I am your genius that brought you this whole genius ide--
K: Just tell us who you got and what you got.
A: Okay fine. Looks like some people do not appreciate my genius mind
*They all laugh*
A: I got....Lauren!
*They all clap while Lauren stands up*
A: anddd I got you this
*Inside the gift bag was a $25 Victoria's Secret gift card, a makeup bag, and bath products*
A: I know you love Victoria's Secret Lauren
L: Thank you Annie!! I love it!
*They hug*
L: Thank you Annie again for this.
A: It's my pleasure
L' Well, I got Asher!
*Asher gets up and everyone claps*
L: I got you this box
*Asher opens the box*
*Inside there were 3 sport shirts and a $50 gift card to Game's Stop*
Ash: How did you know I love Game's Stop!?
L: Well I see you playing video games all day so why not haha
*They all laugh*
Ash: Thank you Lauren!
L: No problem Asher.
Ash: Well, I got Annie.
A: *gets up* ooo la la
(Read the bottom. everything.)
End of chapter 37 ♡

Dw, I was super confused as well at the store part jsjsjjs. You can search up the stores if you need additional information. I'm too lazy hahaha. Alsooooo yes I know that these big ass stores would never fit in one mall but you know, this is fanFiCtIoN. H&M is my all time favorite clothing store. I guess you just needed to know that hahebe I'm such a bad role model bye.

Why is this chapter being super long idk. I'm gonna be lazy and cut it into 2 part hahahahahahha

I've been watching The Office these days and OH GOSH IT'S SO GOOD HEBEOE (you didn't need to know that but okay)(istg I'm not awkward hahaha)

I know I say this so many times but this is such a long book heehehehhehe. I rlly can't wait until my next book. I have 2 ideas for my next book. Someone please message me and give me advice for which one I should do. I'm favoring one over another but idk. I'll just give u a bit of the plot for them. Anyone wanna help?

Oops and sorry for the delay ehehehehe

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