Hey, Guys! (NOT AN UPDATE.)

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Hey, guys! 

I was told by someone that the person who created the art for this book's cover didn't want me using it, so I had to change the cover to the picture up top. 

Just so you guys know. 

Also, I swear guys I'm trying my best to update, but I'm having a lot of Writer's Block and my phone got taken away, again, so...uh...sorry 😅

I'll try my best to update by the end of the month or in the next two weeks.

Also, guys I just realized I named one of the characters wrong in the Last chapter. I'm going to change that and I just wanted to tell you so you didn't get confused. 

I just noticed I have 2K reads! Thank you so much, guys! You're the best! I love you all so much!


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