Flashback (Chap. 8)

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Whew. Anyway. I'm sorry it took so long, and I hope this chapter was worth the wait. 

Thank you for the growing number of views, comments and follows! Love you guys!!

Here's a new chapter! Hope you guys like it! 


Your POV: 

I blinked a little bit as my blurry vision began to clear. When I saw what was going on around me, I blinked more to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I wasn't in Jay's room anymore. I wasn't even on the Bounty anymore. I was back on the Island. But it wasn't the lady I saw this time.

A battle. I was standing in the middle of a full-on battle, where people were attacking with weapons and powers and all that stuff. But it's not what they were fighting with that freaked me out. It was who they were fighting. They didn't even look like humans, they were like wisps of shadows. They had red eyes and they were at least 2 feet taller than normal people. Each of them had, like, six arms, and two of them were fighting against one person and unfortunately, they looked like they were winning.  Well no duh, that didn't seem like a fair fight. The shadows kept changing forms, into weapons, masks and all kinds of weird and scary things. But the people fighting them, I knew these people. These were the people in the book, the people I saw when I was flipping through the pages. 

Were these the Shadow Wars?

I tried to run up to one of the people and try to help them, but my body wouldn't listen. I was trapped in place. That's when I looked down at my hands. My hands were shadows.

I was a shadow. But how? 

A woman jumped in front of me, lightning crackling through her hand. It was the Master of Lightning. Libber, potentially Jay and my birth mother. Maybe. She had a battle look on her face and looked almost exactly like she did in the picture, just a little bit younger. 

Looking at her closely, I gasped.

She was the woman, the woman in the first dream that I'd had. She was the one that had been tortured, but by the look of it, it hadn't happened yet.

She started pouncing on me and attacking me. And weird thing was, I started responding by attacking her back. I had no control over my body, and had less idea what body I was in. I mean, I knew I was a shadow, but how? 

I let out an inhuman screech as I attacked her, slashing arms at her and trying to bite her. What was happening to me? After a long battle that made no sense to me, the woman somehow pinned me down. She sent one surge of lightning through me, and I was out again. 


I groaned and opened my eyes which were blurred again. I looked around. I was in my room again. And just like the last time I'd blacked out, Jay was standing next to the bed, Cole was leaning on the wall next to the bed,  and Nya was sitting on the bed next to me. They all looked worried. 

"Hi, guys," I said, sitting up slightly. "How long have I been out?" They looked at each other, then back at me. 

"It's morning. You were out all night." Nya said, directing her eyes from Jay to Cole, then back to me. Jay sighed and walked to the side of the bed, kneeling next to the bed and looking at me. 

"But you weren't out out." I blinked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You were screaming in your sleep," Cole said quietly.  

"You were kicking and thrashing around." Jay finished for him. "You even tried to attack Sensei and Zane when they tried to help you." 

"We were so worried," Nya said, pulling me in for a hug which I gratefully I returned. After a few minutes of silence, Nya released her hug.

"So do you know why it happened?" 

"Not yet," Sensei came out of nowhere. "But we have to figure something out soon. If we don't, (y/n), this could end up transforming you or killing you." 

"T-Transforming me? Into what?" Sensei sighed and walked till the bedpost. 

"Something not good." 

That's when it hit me. The memories. That's what I'd just seen. The memories that usually went by in a blur had slowed down so I could witness it. Thats what had happened before, that's what had happened now. War from a long time ago. These were memories of an evil creature that had fought the elemental alliance. But how could I see that creature's memories? And now, while I was fighting Libby, or, the creature was, I attacked Sensei and Zane. I wouldn't do that. 

Could that creature, that shadow... be inside me?


So that was the chapter!

Word Count: 893 Words 

Thank you for reading guys! Until next time! Love you! Vote, Comment, and Follow! 

Have a great day, dreamers! Keep dreaming!


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