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What do the Lyoko Defenders do when not together or doing Lyoko related things? Well continue reading to find out.

Alexei: He loves watching all types of movies, no matter how bad they might be. He also enjoys playing soccer and other sports with friends from the soccer team and school. Alexei also likes visiting a certain book shop (refer to season 1 chapter ___). Alexei has been known to play video games from time to time. Sometimes he'll work out or just relax and listen to music by his favorite bands.

Cam: While he does like playing video games and is good at it. Unknown to the others, Cam prefers creating his own. He will spend most of his free time looking up information for his video games or fixing them. Some of his games, he has released online under a nickname.

Lynn: He loves music, mostly writing it. Lynn does like listening to music, but can be often found working on his own. Sometimes he'll play sports with a few guys from class.

Kya: She loves playing video games almost as much as Alexei loves watching movies, even through she doesn't have the best luck with them. Sometimes she'll go to the ice ring to skate/figure skate and relax. If going to the ice ring isn't possblie, she can be found jogging and sometimes (rarely) roller skating on inline skates. Kya also likes reading two speific comic book series.

Emi: She's still getting use to life on earth, but has found a few things to entertain her. For example, she still watches the movies Alexei recommends, no matter how bad they are. She also looks up information about life on earth, to help her get use to her new life quicker. Other times, she'll take a walk outside.

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