1- Nora

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"So you're the new Star City Forensic Scientist?" A man said greeting me as the elevator doors opened.

"Well technically no, I've only been offered a position but yes that me, Lukas Vincent." I said shaking the mans hand.

"Barry Allen. Thanks for coming it's going to be exciting showing someone the ropes." He said to me.

I was in Central City taking a look around the area where Devoe's satellite had crashed landed and sent dark matter spiraling everywhere in the city.

Apparently it was like the Particle Accelerator all over again. Which from what I had heard while I was in college was not good.

"This is my first job so it's nice getting some advice from an experienced professional." I said smiling.

"Barry? An experienced professional, this is the first day he's actually on time. I wouldn't recommend it in Star City, from what I hear Captain Drake is on top of things over there." A man with dark hair and a dark beard said coming up behind Barry.

"Captain Singh." He said shaking my hand.

"Lukas Vincent."I said shaking it and nodding.

"Come on, let's get to work." He said guiding me towards the stairs.

"Well the good news is, is that no new meta humans have showed up since the crash but that usually doesn't happen for another three months anyway, so we'll see." Barry said.

"Oh, you didn't tell me you had a new partner." A girl said sitting at his desk with her feet kicked up on the desk.

"Umm who's this?" I asked confused. "Girlfriend, sister, cousin?"

"This is uh, my, uh." I watched him look at her and they shared almost a telepathic signal before he turned back to me again. "This is my cousin Nora West."

"Cousin in-law." She said approaching me and shaking my hand. She was a very beautiful girl, but for being his cousin in-law they looked awfully alike, aside for the skin color she was darker than him.

I nodded. "Uh huh." for some reason I didn't believe it. I was basically a science detective and with all the weird stuff going about in the world I didn't believe a lot. "I'm Lukas Vincent. Barry's trainee from Star City."

I pulled a hand through my spiked blonde hair and looked around the room. It looked more like a science lab than a police office. Which was to be expected.

"Well good thing you're not his partner." Nora said sitting behind the desk again.

"What? Why?" Barry asked confused.

"Because I'm a forensic scientist too, which means I'm going to be your partner. That's why I'm here." She said smiling.

Barry nodded. "Okay fine I'll talk to Singh about it but Lukas gets to tag along until he heads back to Star City."

"Deal." Nora said sharply.

Barry's phone began beeping rapidly. It wasn't a phone call, I was unable to catch what was on the front of his screen when he pulled it out. All I saw was red flashing against his eyeballs.

"Hey, I actually gotta go but um, Nora can you take care of him. I'll be back soon." He said grabbing his coat and jogging off without giving Nora a chance to answer.

I turned towards Nora pointing at the door.

"Does he usually do that?" I asked.

She nodded. "Ever since I got back into town yes."

I nodded. "Anything we need to get done?"

She shook her head. "Da- Barry did everything last night."

She just about slipped saying something, I heard her catch herself. It sounded like she was about to say dad.

"Have you ever been to Central City?" She asked.

"I drove through once but that was it." I said looking at all the machines Barry had in his office. It was a big office. It was a room.

She slipped on her black leather jacket with white trim on the chest.

"Cool jacket." I said to her.

She patted it down. "Thanks, my mom gave it to me."

"Where are we going?" I asked zipping my jacket up halfway as I followed her out of the office. 

"You've never been to Central City which means you've never had Jitters coffee. So we're going to get some." She walking backwards before she turned around again.

"Good enough for me." I shrugged as we walked out of the precinct and into the large city.

"One flash, and one zoom." The barista said placing the cups of coffee down at our table.

I smiled at her. "Thank you."

I turned my attention towards Nora who was staring impatiently at me.

"What?" I asked chuckling.

She shook her head. "I'm waiting for you to try it."

I laughed "If this coffee is anything less than perfect you're going to have broken my trust faster than you earned it."

Her face fell slightly. "Jeez, you go dark right away."

"I'm sorry. It was just a joke."

She smiled. "I know."

I took a drink of the coffee, just a small one. I had to be careful so that I didn't burn my tongue or the roof of my mouth.

She watched me intently as I made my decision.

"Average." I said standing up.

She stood up with me. "Average? What do you mean average? This is the best coffee you can get." She said as we headed to the door.

"I'm kidding again." I said laughing as she gave me a solid punch in the ribs.

I winced. For her small stature that hurt surprisingly bad, she barely touched me yet I felt the wind escape from my lungs.

A hand covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh. "I'm so sorry." She laughed.

I laughed along with her. "It's fine. I used to play football so I've been hit harder than that." I lied straight through my teeth. I don't think I had ever been hit harder than that in football.

"You're a bad liar." She said taking a sip of her coffee. "Are you okay?"

"You're a lot stronger than you look."

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