19- Comatose

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Barry and iris walked into the hospital hand in hand and headed down the hall towards room 317.

James, and Madison sat just inside on the small couch, fast asleep.

Nora on the other hand sat in the chair next to Lukas's bed gently holding his limp hand.

"How is he?" Barry asked.

"Well he survived the first day. That's the good sign." Nora said. She clearly hadn't slept, ate, or even stopped crying. Who could blame her.

"Anything else?" Iris asked pulled Lukas's hair out of his closed eyes.

"The doctors said he's healing extremely fast but waking up from the coma is going to be entirely on him." Nora said.

"Nora, I hate to say this but now that your powers are back." Barry started.

"I have to be in the field." Nora finished. "I know. I still can't believe it was just a mental block that was suppressing my powers."

"The important thing is that you got them back." Barry said smiling.

Barry's phone rang as he entered the cortex. "Heard you needed help... so I sent some." Oliver texted.

Barry looked up from the ground and looked around confused.

A breach opened and two figures in red suits jumped out followed by Cisco.

"Hey Barry." Thea Queen said pulling back her hood, letting her now long hair fall to her shoulders. "Did you miss us?"

The other archer pulled back his hood as well. "Nice to see you again, Barry." Roy said smiling.

Everyone hugged and embraced as the reunion carried on.

"Not trying to be rude but what are you doing here?" Iris asked.

"Oliver said that with your friend in a coma that you're going to need a little extra help." Thea said to us.

"I thought it was tough having one big bad, but six?" Roy whistled. "I couldn't even imagine."

"We're sorry about your friend by the way." Thea said to us. "At least he didn't have to fake his death." She said nudging Roy in the ribs.

"You're right, he didn't. Because he actually died, for five minutes." Nora said salty before leaving the cortex in a hurry.

Everyone looked around at each other wondering who was going to give the big pep talk.

A burst of purple and yellow lightning lit up the hall as Nora completely left Star Labs.

"I have a bit of experience with not only dead boyfriends but comas, and also being dead." Thea said shaking.

"You don't even know Nora." Iris stated.

"Which is why she'd probably listen." Thea said. "I'm going to change and then I'll go find Nora." She said kissing Roy on the cheek.

"Check the hospital, I'm assuming that's where she is."  Barry said as Thea left.

Barry turned towards Roy and smiled. "Want to go grab a drink? Just the guys?" He asked.

Roy shrugged and nodded. "We got time, why not."

Nora sat down in the seat next to Lukas and grabbed his hand and quietly cried.

"You need to wake up Luke." She sobbed. "I don't know what to do without you."

"I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I love you. I love you so much and I need you to open your eyes and come back to me."  She said as she wiped her tears and brought his hand to her lips.

She started to chuckle. "You know, when we said 'whatever it takes to get my speed back' I didn't mean for you to almost die on me."

A knock on the door startled Nora and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Hey girl." Thea said smiling as she crossed her arms. She had changed into black jeans, a black leather jacket, and a white shirt.

Nora dropped Luke's hand, wiped her tears, and forced a small smile.

"I'm Nora by the way. I'm sorry for the way I acted back there." Nora said standing up to shake Thea's hand.

Thea shook it warmly. "Thea Queen, but I'm guessing you already knew that."

Nora nodded. "I'm guessing you're here to tell me that everyone's had it worse?"

Thea shook her head and sat down on the couch. Nora sat down next to her.

Thea watched Lukas's very slow breathing. "You guys are in love aren't you?"

Nora nodded. "It's nothing I've ever felt before."

"When I was in a coma, all I remember were monsters upon monsters. If I wanted to wake up and live again, I had to fight for it and one day I was able to just open my eyes." Thea started. "If he wants to come back he has to fight for it. The doctor really did tell the truth when she said it's up to him."

"I can't even imagine what he's going through in there." Nora said shaking her head.

"Neither can I." Thea said. "It's different for every one. All I saw was my worst enemies."

Nora shivered.

"The thing is Nora, living the lives that we do. We don't get normal, or easy. We have to fight for everything. Even each other. You have to fight for him and be strong, just like he's doing for you." Thea said standing up and going to his bedside.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Nora asked as Thea looked at his wounds.

"He will, judging by his wounds anyone suffering from this would be dead. Including my brother. If he was supposed to die, he'd be dead. He has unfinished business." Thea said turning back towards Nora.

"When Roy faked his death to protect my brothers identity, I knew the plan the whole time. It was terrible to watch him go." Thea said.

"Then why'd you let it happen?" Nora asked.

"Because I loved him, and he was a hero, so is my brother. It's what he had to do. I had to learn to let him go." Thea said heading towards the door.

"Why are you telling me this?" Nora asked as they walked out of the room.

"Because I know who you are Nora. He's going to wake up, and you and I both know that you have to go home soon." Thea said.

"What are you talking about?" Nora said starting to tear up.

"He can't go back to the future with you, Nora. You're going to need to learn to let him go." Thea said.

"My relationship is my business." Nora said getting a little rattled.

"What are you going to do when he finds out?" Thea asked.

"Because it's going to ruin him."

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