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it had been about a month since athena had ran into ruby that night. text between them only had athena dying of laughter. athena loves ruby, the rambly young boy who was very intelligent and surprisingly funny grew on her fast. athena was hoping for ruby to go over the next day after inviting him over but he insisted on coming up with a bulletproof plan with no holes on how he was going to enter and exit her house without making a scene. athena mentioned the ally in the back of her house that no one knew about, only the few gangsters that ran through to run from the cops.

she knew everything, from sammy and ruby. boys can be such chismosos but she didn't mind it, they were the only people she really talked to. other than the other nurses but no one knew she was the one who lived on 7th street, she didn't really mind though, the less they knew the better.

ruby had invited athena to come to olivia's quince that he worked so hard on, convincing her that no one will recognize her due to the fact that they only knew how her hair looked. she would be lying if she said she didn't think about going or how ruby almost convinced her. she knew she would be okay due to the fact that sammy would be there, god knew that boy went where the party was or at least he used to and she hoped he would be back on that soon. athena knew matias needed to interact with more people not just sammy and herself. athena was about to give in until she realized she worked from 6 pm to 2 am, bumming her out but knowing she couldn't afford to ask for someone to cover her shift. feeling her heart shatter as she heard the disappointment in ruby's voice as she broke the new him that she wasn't able to make it due to work. the young boy promised the hardworking mother that he would definitely see her after along with a slice of cake and a dance.

saying goodbye to matias was always the hardest part of her day. her son stared at her with his big brown eyes and a big smile on his face. matias was the happiest baby she had ever came across, maybe she was bias due to the fact that it was her son, but he was the biggest ball of happiness and it was definitely contagious. seeing that she gave birth to such a beautiful happy baby boy even through the circumstances she was in while she was pregnant, made it all worth it. the more she thought about her baby boy the sadder she got seeing him grow so fast. she quickly wiped her tears and changed him into a onesie with elephants all over them. picking him up from his crib placing him on her hip as she walked into the living room making sure every door was locked and windows were closed and locked.

"tienes hambre papas? si?" athena spoke in a soft voice to her baby that only smiled and clapped in response. warming up the bottle and continuing the baby talk, earning occasional giggles from her baby. matias enjoyed holding his own bottle but it's like he knew she was leaving to work he let her feed him while she slowly rocked him, singing and talking lightly to the baby boy. athena's heart started to race as zeus started to bark loudly. hearing four knocks and the back door handle jiggle she relaxed knowing it was sammy. " i'm sorry i'm a little late, I needed to get the stupid tattoos" sammy said in a quiet voice knowing this was usually the time they put matias down. "it's okay sweetheart the good thing is that you're here and safe, let me see it little cholito" she said while kissing his cheek. he pulled up his sleeve and twisted his arm a bit to show her and then showed the tear drop on his finger. "wow those are actually really clean, i'm surprised" she said as she stayed staring at the teardrop. matias started to move around and be fussy in her arms as she heard sammy's voice only making her roll her eyes "hey don't hate that the little man likes me more. isn't that right papas" he said while careful taking him always from her. " hurry up and go change you needed to leave like five minutes ago" athena have matias a quick kiss and left to change into a pair of violet scrubs. quickly grabbing a few items from the fridge and stuffing them into her backpack, snatching the keys from the hanger by the front door. she took a quick peek through the blinds and saw an empty street, booking it to her car to let it warm up, placing her backpack on the passenger seat and quickly walking back into her home. " so it it cool if I take tias (tee-us, not pronounced like tia) to that quince a few streets down"sammy said rather quickly but rather quietly fearing athena would bitch at him for how dangerous it was, but athena knew a slip up wasn't part of ruby's festivities. " yeah but make sure he doesn't go to bed so late, please and text me often so I know you and our little guy is okay" he was surprised with her answer and didn't want to ask why she was being so liberal with taking tias out of the house. " I really have to go samuel I love you, now and forever both of you" she quickly kissed matias and sammy's cheeks and ran out the door.

athena would be lying is she want jealous that sammy and matias were going to olivia's quince but she was happy sammy is starting to go out. he only went out to do santo things or run to the store for her. but knowing she would see ruby after made her happy. ruby felt like her second kid. saying a little prayer she turned to the house kissed two fingers and faced them to them home that carried her son and sammy. praying nothing happened to them while she was gone.

hidden // oscar diaz Where stories live. Discover now