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after ruby left her home she sat back thinking of how much his words had impacted her. she was living her life in fear and regret. she needed to pick herself up and be grateful she's even alive right now, that matias is perfectly healthy. she's safe and alive.

obviously she wasn't going just drastically change but she was definitely going be more open and out there. she knew that voice in the back of her head wouldn't go away. what if they find us? what if he takes matias away? they always find a way, both of them do. I can't run forever. all these thoughts and comments were stuck in repeat. athena promised herself and to ruby that she would try her best to ignore them.

athena has the next two days off, thanks again to the head nurse for the mistake, which was perfect timing. she would use this to put herself out there. she deserved time off after almost doubling shifts for a week straight.

sammy wasn't around the next morning, it made athena kind of sad. but she knew he was doing what he needed to do. seeing that he changed matias before leaving made her smile. she looked down at her phone and instantly frowned, sammy would always text her when he would leave and where he was going. she began to panic a little bit but she reminded herself that maybe he forgot. but then again, sammy NEVER forgot. picking up matias she walked down to the kitchen and saw a vase of white roses along with a letter leaning against it. athena, being as sensitive as she is, started to ball her eyes out. not seeing sammy in so long and knowing he took the time to do this for her made her heart swell up. it really is the little things that mean the most. quickly walking over she picked up the letter that had her name in his handwriting in the center of the white sheet of paper.


i know it's hard not seeing each other as often as we would both like. I miss us being together, me, you and the little man. I promise i'll do better to be around more. i'm just tryna hold it down for you so you won't work as much baby. you're a strong, hardworking, kind and loving girl, fuck what everyone is sayin about you. you deserve everything in this world and i'm just tryna give you that. i'll see you later baby if you need anything you already know to call me and if i don't answer stop by spookys. stayin safe for you baby, i love you now and forever.

- sammy
the love of your life ;)

athena was full on sobbing, her heart was filled with love. sammy always did things like this when he noticed he was busy with work or other things. sammy's been there through it all with her, she wouldn't want anyone else to be on this crazy fucked up journey she's on. she decided to send sammy a quick text thanking him for the flowers and explaining how she's sobbing while eating cookies.

sammy and athena had a weird relationship. they aren't together, they never tried to get together in fact, but their actions showed otherwise. maybe they just never really made it verbally official that they were together. they both dated other people and brought home randoms from a night out but at the end of the day it was always just them two. people would always just assumed what they were. it was also their own fault, they never really cleared the air or said that they weren't together.matias isn't sammy's kid but he's raising matias as if he was. athena knew that sammy being his father figure wasn't the worst idea and she was forever grateful for sammy.

they both wanted to save the awkwardness when people found out sammy was raising another mans baby, living with the mother but not having any type of romantic relationship. to the few people that did know still found it odd due to how their relationship looked and they could only imagine how it looked to those who didn't know. they grew up in the same neighborhood, dads worked in the same thing, and their moms were best friends. they had a very strong bond a need to protect each other. over the years the bond grew stronger and the loyalty they had for each other was unquestionably strong.

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