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it had been about a month since she kinda not really met the few people in los santos. sammy and athena hadn't seen much of each other. the block was hot and sammy was trying to protect as much people as he could. athena was busy working. she had been taken longer shifts and occasionally pulling a double. she hadn't seen her baby as much as she wanted to but she knew all they work she was doing was for him.

athena couldn't stop thinking about jose and how much she loved how outgoing and bubbly he was. she wanted to even become friends with the man but she knew that wasn't a good idea. she also couldn't stop thinking about that oscar or spooky guy. she was taken back when he introduced himself in his legal name and not his street name. she saw how much love was in his eyes as he held her baby. if she was being completely honest, she wanted to become friends with all of them, but it wasn't safe.

today was finally the day athena was going to see ruby again. ruby finally came up with a bulletproof plan that has zero room for mistakes. athena was baking a batch of cookies while matias was wondering the house the bouncer, she would occasionally pull him back closer to her so she could keep and eye out on him.

it was athena's first days off in almost two weeks. she spent the day cleaning and doing laundry. making the house look a bit more presentable for ruby. she hadn't told sammy due to them not seeing each other for almost two weeks. athena missed having sammy around, he was super goofy and turned her days a more cheerful.


A: I miss u sam :(
A: correction WE miss u.

S: I miss my babies even more, it's getting tough out here. I'll be home as soon as i'm done with this, I promise . kiss matias for me

A: I know sweetheart and you're doing the best you can, of course I will.
A: oh and I may have became friends with ruby and he's coming over later to watch movies.

S: wow look at you finally opening up and making friends, im happy for you . just please tell that kid to be extremely careful. i'll stay out a bit longer so you guys can hangout . I met him a few days ago and i know he's intimidated by me :( please have fun and text me when he gets there and leaves. I love you both now and forever ❤️

A: I ran into him a few nights ago and we just clicked. got that covered he insisted on creating a bulletproof plan. i'll see you soon, stay safe. we love you now and forever❤️


R: operation movie night is on full swing and on schedule.
A: snacks are baking and baby is awake, looks like we're also on schedule.

R: awesome, in approximately five hours and 30 minutes I will be knocking on your doorstep.
R: pls don't forget to tie up your beast or give him a fair warning a small stranger is going over, I don't want to be ripped alive, thank you.

A: amazing. relax zeus will behave but as your wishes my king, he will be tied up in approximately five hours, see you soon rubs!

athena couldn't help but laugh at the texts between her and ruby. he was so dramatic for no reason at all. it was only 5pm and athena had already cleaned everything in the house. she was starting to get bored and she wanted to take zeus and matias on a walk. the fear of being seen stopped her from stepping foot outside. if the wrong person saw it, it was game over. she knew they were far away from what they ran from, very far. she looked at her happy baby that was giggling at the baby show playing on the tv. she instantly felt bad, her baby shouldn't be hidden away because of her own selfish fear. grabbing the baby she headed to her room, turning her tv on to a random baby channel and placing matias in his crib. she turned into her closet but not before taking a peek outside to see the weather. she finally decided on a baby blue t shirt that hugged her figure, along with dark wash ripped skinny jeans and a pair of black birkenstock's. she quickly changed matias's diaper and switched him out of a onesie. quickly putting a black and white stripped t-shirt along with black pant and white air force ones. she quickly placed all the necessities for him in a backpack.

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