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the only thing on sammy's mind was to keep himself safe. fuck everyone else, he needed to go back home. he had a beautiful woman and a precious baby waiting for him. he knew how scared athena would be when she heard the lockdown. the first once since they moved here and he's not there with her. it was 9:30 pm, he should've been home already. he should be in bed with the love of his life and the ball of happiness separating them. but instead he's caught in the middle of a gang war.

sammy knew exactly what the meeting was for. joss opened his big ass mouth and told spooky about the roll up. he couldn't blame him, the block needed to be held down. sammy didn't even get the chance to bitch out athena(in the most respectful way of course) for being so dumb about keeping this a secret.

sammy wanted revenge. he wanted to walk his ass over to prophet territory and shoot every single one of them for rolling up on athena and flashing a gun at her. the more he thought about it the more he knew this act of anger wasn't the smartest idea.

everything happened so quick. all 27 + members and a few affiliations were inside the trap house. everyone was confused on why spooky had called a meeting. sammy walked over and stood next to jose and benito. " fuck you fool for not telling me" benito said and threw a nasty glare at sammy, only causing him to roll his eyes at the dramatic grown ass man. before sammy could respond spooky spoke up. " first of all I want to say thank you for coming today. but as we all the know the blocks been hot. after that martinez kid got shot i set up the truce fast but they can't respect it-" oscar was cut off by a random man in the back " fool we been knew this shit" oscar shot him a glare that could kill. "how about you shut the fuck up and sit down before you end up six feet under for interrupting me-" sammy was never really scared of spooky but with this being said it made him want to shit his pants. oscar went on to say how a mother got rolled up on while carrying a child. the whole mood of the room changed, everyone knew that person had fucked up.

    sammy's mind went somewhere else and started to think of athena and how lucky they were to even be alive right now. his mind then drifted to matias, and how blessed he was to be able to take part of his life and watch him grow everyday. he finally had the family he had wished for.

    the next thing sammy knew was that his ears were ringing, the loud gunshots that caught everyone by surprise. the yelling, the running, the tires screeching and smoke that filled the large house. sammy quickly snapped out of his thoughts and pulled out the gun from his waistband. everything went quiet and the bodies on the floor were heartbreaking. a few have lost a son, brother and a father. sammy then felt the familiar warm sensation in his lower abdomen. the feeling was unexplainable and was soon masked with pain and panic. sammy didn't make it better when he started to freak out, trying to leave so he can run home to the love of his life. clutching his right side trying to get across. the only thing in his mind was athena. " sammy! sammy ! aye fool" he could hear the men calling out for him but his adrenaline was pumping and he needed to get home. he also knew going out there wasn't safe but he didn't care.

    sammy was limping home as fast as he could, athena knew exactly how to fix him. the pain started to get more and more intense. he could hear someone behind him. he could see his beautiful home a few houses down. but what he didn't see was the prophet car a few feet in front of him. two gunshots rang through the empty street. the sound of a body collapsing and tires screeching away.

    sammy was on full panic mode as he laid on the hard, cold cement. his breaths were short and rapid. the feeling of drowsiness was overpowering. and soon everything went black.

hidden // oscar diaz Where stories live. Discover now