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sammy waited for jose to continue talking about who he saw. sammy was 100% sure he had seen athena, due to them living a street away from the corner store. he anxiously waited, athena was always so careful about being seen getting out of the house. although sammy didn't know why he was so on edge if everyone was about to see her when she came to pick up matias. but things were different, when she came no one was going to know she was the girl from the house at the end of the street, but now that jose has seen her and then will see her again is going to be a disaster. when the santos find out he knew who she was all along and didn't say anything. sammy was scared for her.

jose quickly went over to matias and booped his tiny nose earning a giggle. "who did you see foo" benito said equally as anxious. "remember that hyna I smashed at oscars party the other week?? i FINALLY ran into her." as soon as he heard hat sammy relaxed knowing everything was going to be okay. " about time, let me find out you didn't even get her number" sammy joked, jose stayed quiet and everyone bursted out laughing knowing he didn't even attempt to talk to her. " man oscar give me matias" benito said " hell no foo i just got him" he replied while holding the baby closer to him. making everyone laugh and jose roll his eyes.

sammy's phone buzzed and saw it was a text from athena.

A: im almost there and i'm kinda shy to get off but I sense you're having a good time so i'm going to be brave and get off pls pray I don't make a fool of myself. :,(

S: you're so annoying dude relax you'll be fine. spooky is the one holding tias, it's also his house. if it makes you feel more comfortable I can get tias from him.

A: no it's okay. don't worry :)

everyone looked down the street as they heard a car in the distance. a dark grey mercedes benz pulling up. " yo who's car is that, shits clean" " foo don't cuss around the baby" oscar said. everyone was on edge once again as the car pulled up directly in front of oscars house. everyone saw sammy get up and walk towards the car and opened the passenger door. everyone was trying to peek to see who was driving but sammy's body covered the view.

"im scared I can feel everyone looking at us" athena said as she lightly hit the steering wheel with two fingers and drummed them. " I can get him if you want" he said as he placed the backpack on the seat. " no it's okay go give me some time and don't get matias, I need to also interact with people" sammy chuckled at her words and softly shut the door.

athena looked down at what she was wearing and started to doubt and get a tad insecure. she was wearing a simple tight white t-shirt with black ripped boyfriend jeans along with black and white high top vans. the white shirt made her tattoos pop even more. she wasn't wearing any makeup, her top lip wasn't adorned with her usual diamond stud, her curly hair was down and flowed passed her shoulders. quickly applying chapstick and giving herself a pep talk. she decided to get off the vehicle.

"yo sammy who's car is that" sad eyes asked him while nodding towards it. before sammy could answer they heard the car door shut slowly. as if the person getting off it didn't want to bring attention. oscar stopped playing with matias and looked up at the girl approaching them. he was speechless, her beauty was something else. everyone was so starstruck by the young girls beauty. sammy knew she felt awkward as she fiddled with her fingers as she walked up. standing up sammy have her a hug and felt her instantly relax. " so fools this is the beautiful mother to that beautiful baby boy spooks is holding" athena have a small wave and a smile. the guys were still staring at the adorable girl in front of them. " you fools are acting like you've never seen a girl before" he said while laughing and taking a seat. "i'm jose, obviously the most attractive one of the bunch and don't worry I accept offer of being his godfather" she let out a laugh " i'll keep that in mind incase i need a favor " she shot him a wink. everyone saw jose blush and lightly laughed at him but knowing that if she winked at them they would be blushing exactly the same way.

as soon as matias heard athena's voice he started to move around in oscars arms. oscar put him down and held his little hand, athena took a few steps forward leaving a small gap between herself and oscar. she squatted down and held her arms open " ben papi" she said looking at her beautiful baby in front of her. matias giggled and took the few steps to reach his mother. as soon as he was close enough she picked him up and threw him in the air. all the men watched anxiously and held their breath. even sammy who had seen her do this countless times. after catching him perfectly, everyone relaxed. "I missed you papas, were you a good boy for sammy and his friends" she mumbled into his cheek, he instantly fell into a fit giggles. the men watched them and felt their heart swell at the beautiful sight in front of them.

matias wiggles out and walked towards oscar again. making athena rush to him as he saw matias lay his head on oscars shoulder. "oh my god, i'm sorry he's such a little cuddler, here let me take him. i'm sure you're tired of holding him and his big ass head" as soon as those words left her mouth everyone started laughing. " you don't need to apologize it's cool, i'm oscar by the way" he said while handing athena matias. matias pulled back and gave oscar a sloppy kiss and went back to athena's arms. sammy watched oscar smile like an idiot as tias kissed him. " i'm sorry but can I hold him before you leave, oscar is a baby hogger" benito said, she laughed and passed him the baby. matias did the same thing to all the men before going back to his mother. all the men were frozen and full of love at the baby's actions. " alright well I have to go and it was so nice to meet all of you and please stay safe" she gave them all a smile and a small wave. " i'll see you at home love, text me if you need anything" she said to sammy and kissed his cheek. "of course baby, i'll be home before you leave" he kissed matias and athena on the cheek. she said one last goodbye and disappeared into her car. sammy realized that athena didn't say her name while she was here. he was prepared to get a shit ton of questions about who athena was and why he never brought her up or around.

ugh they finally meet :,)

hidden // oscar diaz Where stories live. Discover now