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oscar hadn't been around babies since cesar. he had forgotten how easy baby can make you melt. the more he thought about it the more he takes back his comment. some babies were so annoying and bratty that caused headaches and makes him want to blow his brains out. but that comes along with the mother attitude, of course. matias was different, just looking at him makes you smile, his whole energy was contagious.

    oscar would be lying if he said he wasn't excited to see sammy bring the baby around. he found it kind of odd that sammy was so comfortable with bringing a baby around a gang but he didn't really question it. jogging his memory trying to find when sammy mentioned he had a baby but there was no time, other than the day he sent him to watch over olivia's quince. oscar always had a lot of respect for sammy. he came in and handled his shit fast and clean. never did anything to make oscar thing he was sketchy. the level of respect raised when he was still willing to do a job even with his baby.

     oscar saw the blacked out truck pull up and he was instantly struck with a little fear. oscar was a cold blooded killer but that didn't take the fact away that sometimes he did get scared at random things, like a car pulling up at his home unexpectedly. seeing sammy get off along with his baby instantly made his heart beat go down and relax.

    oscar wanted to slap himself for not being fast enough to pick up the baby before he fell. his heart hurt hearing the baby sob in pain. for the first time in a long time oscar felt his heart break. sammy was trying to calm down the baby but oscar couldn't help but stare at the baby. his mind began to wonder, who the baby momma was and why the baby looked nothing like sammy. oscar thought maybe the moms genes were stronger. oscar was so deep in thought that he didn't realize matias was walking up to him, quickly standing up and meeting the baby before he fell back down. none of the guys could handle it if the baby cried again.

sitting in the black crate he placed matias on his knee and started to lightly bounce. matias held on to oscars two pointer fingers with his hand and instantly made oscar want to cry of how precious the he was. his mind wondered back to who his mom was. the more he looked at the baby the more he saw he somewhat had sammy's eyes and eyelashes. the more he looked at the baby the more he realized he needed to settle down, despite the troubles that come with being a gang leader, he wanted a family of his own. he still had time to settle down but with the way things are going he needed to take females more serious. he didn't find the same enjoyment of fucking random girls that came to his parties. but oscar knew and everyone knew the reason he was holding back on love .

his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car door softly closing, he was surprisedhe even heard it of how soft is shut. his eyes met the sound and saw a dark grey benz. he was instantly shocked at the girl in front of them. oscar wasn't a fan of how girls looked in tattoos, his mother's words were stuck in his head. " real women would never put a bumper sticker on a bentley" her statement was weird and even more weird that she would say it because his mother had a few tattoos on her arms. he saw she had a full sleeve on one and a few on her other arm. along with a few on her hands. the white t-shirt only making the ink stand out more. her big curly hair that looked silky as the sun shined down. lastly oscar met her eyes, her beauty was something else. not a single drop of makeup adorned her skin and she looked like an angel. oscar along with the rest of the gang was speechless.

    jose being the dumbass and jokester that he is offered to be the godfather almost instantly. oscar wanted to laugh when he saw the older man blush at the girls comment. her voice was a tad deep but very soft. matias heard his mother and moved around. oscar placed on the floor but keeping his hands close by. the woman squatted down and the look in her eye had nothing but love for the little boy. instantly picking him up and throwing him in the air made oscar want to jump up and catch the baby, but she caught him with no problem. everyone would be lying if they said they weren't stuck in an awe watching the mother talk to her baby and earning giggles from the kid.

matias wakes over to oscar again and signaled him to pick him up, almost instantly he scooped him up and oscar felt the baby lay his head on his shoulders. the young girl quickly rushed over to take her baby away in embarrassment that the baby was kind of clingy. "oh my god, i'm sorry he's such a little cuddler, here let me take him. i'm sure you're tired of holding him and his big ass head" as those words left her mouth the gang started to laugh at the fact that the baby did have a big head. " you don't need to apologize, it's cool. i'm oscar by the way" he said to her as he handed the baby back. matias pulled back and gave oscar a kiss and wrapped his tiny arms around his neck. oscar felt his heart swell up even more at his actions.

    oscar watched her leave with the happy baby along her side. he also noticed how she only kissed sammy on the cheek, the more he thought about it the more he realized that maybe she did it out of respect for the people around. he began to wonder why he's never seen her around. sammy said he lived in freeridge and everyone is bound to dump into each other at some point but he has never seen that girl before. the girl was beautiful, and the short time she was here he knew she was also easy to get along with. oscar would be lying if he said he didn't find the girl interesting. he wondered if she would come by more often but that was all up to sammy really. oscar also noticed that she didn't say her name. she really didn't introduce herself, sammy kind of just did that for her. oscar wanted to get to know her better but knowing that was the homies hyna he stopped his curiosity about the girl. oscar then realized he needed to stop thinking about the girl.

    it had been a few hours since the girl left with matias and everyone could feel the elephant in the room. no one dared to ask about her, but everyone wanted to. " so is she your baby momma" jose finally asked and everyone was grateful " you can say that" he said with a light laugh and taking a hit from his freshly rolled blunt. everyone looked at each other confused but didn't question it. " well no disrespect homie but she's so fucking beautiful, holy shit" benito said kinda fast and waited for sammy to punch him or lash out. oscar mentally agreed with what benito said and waited to see what he would do. " na it's cool homie, but fuck yeah she is".

    it was now 5pm, a few santos had left to do runs or go fix shit with their hynas. " well I gotta go, i'll see you homies later" sammy dapped everyone up and walked towards his car. oscar began to wonder if they were together because of the way he answered the question about her. regardless oscar needed to stop letting his mind go back to the nameless girl.

do you guys like it to be in third person or prefer it to be in first ??

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