Chapter 7

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My breath caught in my throat when I heard a key turn in the front door. It was mistress, either back from her hunt or after sleeping at some male vampire's place.

She did not have a pinch of shame whenever she would bring some male in and do things right in front of me. They would have sex right in front of me on her double sized bed.

I would sit facing the wall and shiver, trying not to hear their moans and screams. This was considered normal to the vampires, doing stuff to their pets and doing stuff in front of them was pretty normal to them.

Once she was making love to a vampire while I was crying silently in the corner. I accidentally let out a loud sob.
Within seconds she was behind me, covered by her blanket.

She had caught me by my throat and was about to slap me when the other vampire came to us. He pushed Olivia 's hand away and caught me by my hair.

I screamed, trying to push the naked vampire away. He jerked my head towards him and said "look at me sweetie." pointing with his other hand to his bare groin. I looked away, disgusted by what I had seen. " I said look at me!" he growled and threw me onto the bed.

He was ripping apart my dress when mistress came to him and said " I thought you said you loved only me" he growled and threw her to the other side of the wall. " She looks better than you Olivia! Especially her...." he paused looking at my lower body which was completely bare.

Then he looked at my breasts hungrily and started raping me....

I looked over at mistress through my pain and tears.
She had seated herself on the chair. In spite of her calm demeanor as she stared at us, I could see the anger flaring in her eyes.

After he went, mistress punished me for attracting him.

The next day she told me she had killed him because she could not face rejection...

I was thankful to her for the first time in my life, even though she did it for herself.

Tears flowed down my cheeks once I remembered the pain of that day.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard mistress approaching. She was talking to someone.

I heard someone say "yes" as they neared me.

The voice was mesmerizing.

It was a male vampire who was with her, that was for sure.

The bedroom door creaked open. I quickly averted my eyes not daring to look at them.

Mistress then said "This is Alice, my pet."

At this I looked up, I was shocked at what I saw.

It was him!

It was the same vampire who I had seen last night, perched on top of the tree.

I quickly looked down again. I guess he had come to tell mistress that I had stared him in the eye last night.

I braced myself for punishment, but he surprised me by asking " How much?"

Maybe he was deciding on how many lashes I must receive as punishment.

"7 lakhs " she replied.

My eyes widened. I was not sure I could survive those many lashes.

The vampire didn't take his eye off me at all as he shook hands with mistress " Deal. " he said.

I curled into a ball quickly, I was seriously going to die today. I prayed that they were joking. 7 lakh lashes!

The vampire came over to me and unclipped my collar. I was surprised, but maybe this was how he punished his pets. He gestured me to follow, so I reluctantly crawled towards him, like mistress told me to do with her.

He looked confused. Then he sighed, shook his head and caught my shoulders, taking me by surprise. He then lifted me up onto my feet. " walk, don't crawl" he said.

OK, now I was confused. Mistress always forced me to crawl because I was inferior to her. Nonetheless I tried to walk, but I couldn't even stand properly without him holding my shoulders.

He looked at my trembling legs and asked " How long has it been since you've walked last?"

I looked down and answered, my voice barely a whisper " T-two years I t-think uh...sir." I stammered.

He shook his head and looked at mistress who seemed enraged which I guess was because I was on my feet again.

"Daniel, don't you think it is better if she crawls? " mistress asked, failing to hide her anger and disappointment.

The vampire who supposedly was called Daniel shook his head and replied " My pet, I decide now Olivia. I've already left a cheque of 10 lakhs on your table if you didn't notice. "

I was shocked. I was his pet now? So the 7 lakhs was actually money? He paid 10 lakhs instead of 7?

I was his pet now.....

My legs trembled. I collapsed out of fear, but he caught me before I touched the ground. " Careful...." he murmured.

A blush creeped onto my face as he helped me stand straight again. I looked down and whispered an apology.

Mistress Olivia was bursting with joy as she looked at the cheque over and over again.
She came over to master and kept a hand on his chest who flinched at the contact.

" Thank you Daniel... I guess you must really love me... " she said before she crashed her lips to his. She held his neck and clutched his collar, her lips trying to force his lips to kiss her back.

My heart dropped down at this, but what I didn't expect was to see master pry away her hands as he held her by her neck and threw her onto the floor.

" Too far Olivia, you've gone too far now. " he growled. With that he walked out of the room holding my wrist. I noticed his irises were red now.

I stumbled and fell. Looking at master, pleading with my eyes to forgive me. He sighed and kneeled down.

I felt a breeze blow below me. He had picked me up bridal style and was making his way to the other corner of the corridor.


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