The Sky is a Bit Cold

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"Ariannah help me." A boy, who I have never met in real life yet, called out to me. Luke.
"You look like you've got everything under control here." I snarled.
"Please... it's crushing me... help me... please." He begged. I won't! Stop! I won't help him! I fought in my head but soon I found myself baring the weight of the sky along with the blonde boy.
"Thanks Ari. You know, maybe once I take over the world I'll spare you and make you my queen. Thanks." He grinned as Atlas came up next to him.
"Luke! You son of a-!" I screamed as he pressed his lips against my cheek.
"Hush, a lady should never speak like that." He grinned as I glowered at him as my adrenaline finally wore off and I felt all the weight of the sky and screamed until my lungs burned.
"Help me Percy." I whimpered as tears streaked down my face, and the sun settled below the horizon turning the sky from soft pastels into the darkest blue.

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