The Son of Hades

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"Let's go for a walk ok?" Percy said to Nico as I tagged along, and followed behind them. Percy tried to explain how Bianca sacrificed herself for everyone in the easiest way possible, but he wasn't making this hard information go down any easier. He gave the small figurine to Nico as a last present from his sister.
"You promised you'd protect her." Nico said tears forming in his eyes.
"Nico, I tried. But she gave herself up for the rest of us. I told her not to. But she-" Percy started.
"You promised!" Nico screamed as he glared at Percy. His fist grasped the miniature statue. "I shouldn't have trusted you! You lied to me! My nightmares were right!" His voice cracked.
"Wait. What nightmares?" Percy asked as Nico threw the statue to the ground.
"I hate you!" He cried out as it clattered across the icy marble.
"She might be alive-" Percy tried desperately.
"She's dead, I should have known it earlier. She's in the fields of Asphodel, standing before the judges right now, being evaluated. I can feel it." Nico explained.
"What do you mean, you can feel it?" Percy asked as a hissing, clattering noise sounded behind us. The skeleton warriors advanced us as I pulled out my dagger. (To be honest, I would rather a sword.)
"You're trying to kill me!" Nico yelled. "You brought these things!?"
"No! I mean-" Percy started.
"Nico run! Get some help!" I exclaimed.
"I don't trust him!" Nico yelled.
"Nico get help!" Percy yelled desperately.
"No! Go away!" Nico screamed as the floor cracked open. Percy, thankfully, tackled me away from the massive hole in the marble before I fell in.
"Thanks." I breathed as Percy got off me and helped me up.
"Nico, how did you-?" Percy started.
"I hate you! I wish you were dead!" Nico screamed as he ran. I tried to run after him but slipped on the figure, Percy caught me before I fell. Just like the book says, it was Hades, Lord of the dead.

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