Help is Coming

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It's been 2 days... the book only gives Annabeth 1 day to hold the sky... isn't Artemis supposed to be here to help me? I thought sadly as my muscles burned like hellfire.
"Look Aria! Your savior has finally come to rescue you." Luke grinned as Artemis ran up to me in chains and a tattered dress.
"Aria give me the sky!" She said sternly as she kneeled next to me as we bared the weight together until I collapsed.
"Get rid of her. She's of no use to us anymore." Atlas scoffed.
"She can still be used as bait. Perseus is coming to save them... if we have her he'll bend to our will." Luke suggested as Atlas waved him off.
"You are a despicable... you know, you aren't even classified as a human." I grunted as he picked me up and placed me away from where the battle would take place. He force fed me some ambrosia and nectar. The sweet taste of the ambrosia soothed my throat, and eased the pain in my muscles before I blacked out.


"Aria! Wake up!" Luke shouted as he shook me.
"What?" I snapped.
"Artemis can't hold the sky any-" he started before I zoomed over to her. She was covered in golden inchor when I rushed up to her. I tore a section off my shirt and gently wrapped it around her bleedin arm.
"What did you do to her!?" I screamed as my face got red.
"She wouldn't complain so I made her." Atlas said with a smirk.
"Give me back the sky. You need to rest." I whispered.
"No, I forbid you." She choked.
"With all do respect, I'm not a Huntress yet, so give me the sky." I scolded as I kneeled down next to her and placed my hands back on the cold, heavy sky. We bore the weight together again as Percy, Zoe, and Thalia came running over to us.
"My lady!" Zoe yelled as she rushed to our side.
"Aria!" Thalia and Percy exclaimed as they also came to us.
"No! It a trap!" Artemis yelled as Atlas and Luke came over with menacing grins on their faces.
"Ah, how touching." Atlas boomed.
"Luke, let them go." Thalia snarled.
"That's the General's decision, Thalia. But it's good seeing you again." He grinned as Thalia spat at him.
"So much for old friends." Altas sneered as he looked at Zoe.
"Wait, you're Atlas?" Percy asked.
"So even the stupidest of heros can finally figure something out. Congratulations, I will kill you after I deal with her." He chuckled as my face burned with rage.
"You're not going to hurt Zoe." Percy defended.
"You have no right to interfere, this is a family matter." The titan growled as Percy frowned in confusion.
"Yes. Atlas is my father." Zoe said bleakly.

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