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AN- Smash Bros as a Magical Girl story? Sure, why not.

I do not own anything Nintendo. Just my ideas. Thanks and enjoy. -Twilight Joltik

Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter One- Beginning

Lucina sighed as she threw open the front door, stalking into her house. "You alright, Lucy?" her younger brother Morgan called.

She rolled her eyes at his usage of that childish nickname. Glancing over, she saw him seated in front of the television, cell phone in one hand and pen in the other. This was a situation she seemed to find him in frequently lately. "You know, just because Nah offered to help you study for the Algebra final doesn't give you an excuse to slack off," she berated.

His cheeks went slightly red as he put his phone down. "I'm not slacking off! I was totally just about to turn the TV off!" he exclaimed, quickly grabbing the remote and mashing the power button. "See? I hadn't even called her yet!"

Lucina chuckled. "Sure you hadn't. And you certainly weren't trying to ask her if she could come over to 'study' with you in person."

Flushing crimson, Morgan quickly gasped "H-how-?"

"And then planning on asking her if she wanted to get a bite to eat afterwards," Lucina continued.


"Without anyone's permission, mind you," she finished, holding back a laugh from the terrified blush on her brother's face.

"Uh..." Morgan sat for a moment before quickly putting his phone to his ear and exclaiming "Call ya back in a sec!"

Lucina stepped over to the couch and put her hand on her brother's shoulder. "Look," she sighed. "Word of advice; it wouldn't kill you to just ask her if she wanted to hang out without using homework as an excuse."

"You can do that?" Morgan sputtered in awe.

"Yes. In fact, it's often preferable to just making up excuses, considering it lets her know you care about her personally, beyond wanting to pass a class," she explained.

The look of dawning realization on Morgan's face was rather amusing, but it made Lucina feel guilty that she hadn't brought this up the first several times he'd made that error. "You need permission first," she added.

The clicking of his phone's keyboard resonated through the room as she started upstairs to her room. She quickly found herself face down on her lilac bedspread, wanting nothing more than to close her eyes and have peace for only a minute. That day had been particularly rough; her history teacher had inadvertently made a fool out of her for raising her hand to ask a question he'd already answered, and then she knew she'd failed spectacularly at the practice exam in biology. Not to mention finals were next week and she still had no clue how she'd pass them. She took solstice in the fact that the weekend was fast approaching, and after that, only one cruel, treacherous week stood between her and the freedom that was summer.

She was lying there for quite a while, or at least long enough to make her feel like she'd fallen asleep, before she heard a sharp rapping on the door. "Lyn told me to come get you; dinner," Morgan called from the other side of the wall. Sighing, she rubbed her eyes and made her way sleepily to the dining table, sitting at her usual place, fiddling with the spaghetti during prayers and not noticing anything until she heard her adoptive mother ask her if she was alright.

"I'm fine," she muttered, raising her head to look at the green-haired lady. "Just tired, stupid finals."

Lyn Andronuts nodded sympathetically at her foster child. "Remember, six days and it's over. Think you can live?"

"Yeah," Lucina stated. After a moment of slightly awkward silence, she asked "So, Morgan, how'd it go with Nah?"

Red tinting his cheeks, Morgan tried very hard to suppress the smile creeping up on his lips. "Alright, I guess. She said she couldn't come tonight, but she said she'd go see a movie with me tomorrow night!"

"See, next time you won't listen to me, I'll just remind you that I helped you get a date with the girl of your dreams," Lucina teased.

Morgan flushed completely scarlet. "Wha-? I-I don't have a crush on her! Not at all!"

Lucina smirked. "Oh really? You don't like little miss super-smart-really-pretty-and-nice-and-smells-good-dragon-girl?"

"Could have fooled me," Lyn remarked.

The whole table burst into laughter, excluding Morgan, who simply buried his face in his hands, muttering something that sounded like "Did I really say all that out loud?"and Lucina was reminded once again why she liked Lyn so much. She was an adult, and good at being one when she tried, but she still laughed and joked as if part of her hadn't ever grown up.

However, as much as she liked her, Lucina still couldn't think of her as her mother. Her foster father was always either away or busy with some project, so he didn't count either. Though Lyn did a venerable job, the fact was she had no true parents. She scarcely discussed this with Morgan, but she could tell he shared her sentiments. She wasn't ever sure he remembered their real parents; they'd died when he wasn't even two years old. She could almost remember them, if she tried, but they still felt distant and the memories only made her feel more alone.

Lost in thought, she finished her meal with no remarks beyond a "yes" or "sure", then went straight up to her room to study. Her mind struggled to stay bound to the page. She tried to force herself to concentrate on the words of the textbook and the problems of the study guides, but it drifted. She decided to give up and go to sleep after a few hours, when she found she'd declared the eighth queen of Akaneia to be named 'Potato Chips'. Her covers curled around her as she closed her eyes and felt conscious thought float away from her.

She quickly found herself pulled back to reality by the impact of something dropping itself squarely on her forehead. Letting out a small cry of pain and shock, her eyes shot open as she sat up and glanced about her bed, trying to find the incriminating object. A small blueish-purple device was sitting between the pillows and the cover, glinting in the moonlight. "Wha-?" Lucina muttered as she took the object in her hand. The indigo seemed to be a stone of some sort, silver backing it and criss-crossing across its surface in thin strands. A cord was attached to it. Was it some sort of necklace?

Suddenly, it began to pulse brightly, filling the room with bursts of cobalt light. An hourglass symbol was marked deep inside the pendant by a white glow. Lucina decided then and there that this was an odd, fatigue-triggered fever dream. Therefore, it did not faze her when a small, yellow, pudgy star-shaped creature burst into her room from the window.

AN- Yes, I realize the majority of this chapter is Fire Emblem centric, but other series will appear in prominent roles. Just, bear with me. In case you haven't played Awakening, Morgan is the main character's son and Nah is a half-dragon (Manakete) girl. While not explicitly stated, Lyn's husband is Jeff from Earthbound simply because I wanted the parents to be assist trophies and Jeff was one of the few I knew enough about to write for. Thank you for reading! -Twilight Joltik

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