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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Seven- Marth

Lucina fished the glowing core out of her pocket. It was almost blindingly bright and didn't waver as she walked along the stone street. Though Ike and Marth didn't notice, as they were walking ahead of her, the glow quickly caught Roy's eye. "What's that about?" he asked.

"They did this before," Lucina answered. "Before I met you and Ike. They glow brightly in the presence of the person chosen to wield it."

Roy raised an eyebrow. "You mean Prince Marth? But what are the odds of that?"

"What were the odds of three of us going to the same school," Lucina countered.

Marth glanced back at them. "What are the odds of what?" he inquired.

"Do you mind if we discuss it at the castle?" Lucina quickly asked.

Marth turned his head away from them, throwing the hood back over it. "Gladly. We should hurry; the rain will only fall faster."

The prince quickened to a blistering pace, leaving the Alchemist Knights attempting to match his pace. The four of them made a mad dash towards the grey spires in the distance, Lucina stowing the golden core away and deciding to hold the mask above her head to shield it from the rain. Needless to say, it was one of the least effective umbrellas she had ever used.

The sprint to the castle, while not horribly lengthy, was exhausting. By the time the castle was within reach and Marth was attempting to get the guards to let them in, Lucina was panting and gasping for air, as was Roy, and Ike,( though he was attempting to hide it,) also looked like he was ready to keel over as well. After a moment, the large door of the castle was opened from the inside by a pair of guards, revealing a stone path to a larger building.

"Thank you," Marth called as he walked through the doorway, beckoning for the other three to follow. "So," he began, everyone else attempting to keep up with his brisk pace. "What was it you wanted to discuss, Lucina?"

"Is there anywhere that we could talk where no one could listen in?" she asked.

The prince nodded and quickly turned from the walkway and into a small shack several yards away, Lucina following his steps. He threw open the door and stepped into the dark building, which judging by what the thin shaft of light the door cast, seemed to be a storage room of some sort. "Will this work?"

"Yeah, it'll be fine," Roy replied, shutting the door back, casting the meager light from outside away. However, the golden glow of the core in her pocket provided a bright enough glow to almost fully illuminate the room, which seemed to be used to store primarily weaponry.

"What is that?" Marth asked.

Lucina pulled it back out of her pocket. "This is what I wanted to talk about. You see-"

She tried to explain all she knew, skirting around the fact that they hailed from another time, considering it would probably make everything sound even less plausible than it really was. After she finished explaining everything, Marth glanced towards the golden glinting artillery against the wall. "If you don't know who you seek to help or why, then why do you fight?" he asked rather plainly.

Lucina had to think for a minute. Luckily, Ike interjected before she had the chance to admit that she wasn't sure. "We want to find out what's going on, right?"

"Oh, yes!" Lucina replied eagerly. "And the best way to do that seems to be doing as the star creature asked."

"Not to mention it saved Lucina's life," Roy added.

Alchemist Knight LucinaWhere stories live. Discover now