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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Five- Ike

Lucina started to panic. Another beast? Was it one of those "Star Eaters" that had been pursuing the star? How could she fight it?

"Hey, sorry to interrupt your very important daydreaming, but we kind of need to figure out how to stop that thing from destroying the city!" Ike snapped.

"Right," Lucina muttered. "Time!"

She transformed and reached to the sword sheath at her side. "Okay, so how do I do that?" Ike asked.

"Put on that pendant I gave you and try yelling 'Ice'," Lucina commanded. She then added a "Freeze!" to make sure the monster didn't kill them while they figured out what to do.

"Ice!" Ike cried, mimicking Lucina. Nothing happened.

Lucina felt her stomach churn. "Um, air?" she suggested, wildly trying to remember the other names for the cores and cursing the fact that she didn't have her notebook on her. "Sky?"

The green and black beast, which Lucina more clearly saw the upright dinosaur-like appearance of from this distance, began to move once more. "Air, Sky!" Ike attempted. The core remained inert.

"Freeze!" she called again, getting more desperate. "Um, one second, I'll just run inside and get the notebook and my phone."

"A notebook and a phone are supposed to fight off that thing?" Ike asked flatly.

"I wrote a bunch of stuff about the cores down in a notebook," Lucina explained as she dashed inside. "And I can call Roy." She quickly grabbed the notebook and phone from the couch and ran back outside to find time had resumed. "Freeze!" she cast once more.

She quickly picked up her phone and typed Hurry up giant monster attacking in the device, sending it to Roy. However, the screen didn't respond to any of her actions. Did technology, perhaps also fall prey to her time-stopping? "Darn it!" she muttered. "Can you fend it off while I text him?"

Ike nodded. "Yeah, sure. But I'll need this," he replied, grabbing the sword out of her hands and dropping the tree branch. She sighed and waited for the beast to start moving and her ally to dash towards it to retype her message. Sending it, she glanced back towards Ike, who seemed only slightly terrified.

"Freeze!" she called out again, dashing towards the battle. "Okay, we need to figure out how to activate your core. Here," she stated as she handed him the notebook.

Ike flipped it open. "Do any of these names make sense?" he asked after scanning the page. "I mean, metal, magic, death; what kind of powers are those? The only ones that really make any sense are ice, air and fire-"

He was cut off by Lucina's gasp. The blue pendant around his neck had flashed with light once more, the triangle becoming visible again for a brief moment. "It reacted! But what-?"

"Maybe it was fire?" he suggested, and the pendant shone again. "But why would the fire one be blue?"

"I don't know, but try it!" Lucina exclaimed.

"Fire!" Ike called. The core burst with blue light and enveloped him, ebbing away to reveal his attire had been replaced with a dark blue tunic and white pants with a tattered red and tan cape and dark green headband. Glancing at his clothing, he snickered. "Why does it have a cape?"

The beast started to move once more, and Lucina cast "Freeze" once more. "Okay, so fire, what sort of attack names would that have?"

"Um, flame, burn, flare," he suggested.

Alchemist Knight LucinaWhere stories live. Discover now