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Alchemist Knight Lucina

Chapter Two- Luma

A small, star-shaped creature stood before Lucina, who was wondering where this lucid dream of hers was going.

"Miss," exclaimed the creature. "The very cosmos are being drained of their power by forces from beyond this world! Our Lady was left no choice but to scatter the powers of the Alchemist's Spirits across Time and Space."

Lucina found humor in how heavy-handed her subconscious was with exposition. And the fact that she felt the need to rationalize a dream with exposition in the first place. "Alright, what do I have to do? Hold this pendant thing and say some words and I'll transform into some sort of magical girl with an extremely short skirt or something?" she asked.

The creature blinked its small black eyes and sputtered in shock. "Our Lady said you wouldn't be so quick to comprehend our plight," it stated. "But you will need to use the power of the Alchemy Core to help me. You see," it flushed scarlet. "I may have been pursued by a Star Eater. You'll need to activate it to defeat it so it doesn't kill me."

"How do I activate it?"

"Put it on and call out its name," it explained hastily, glancing out the window anxiously.

"Which is?"


Lucina pulled the necklace on and stood beside her bed, calling out "Time" forcefully. A blue glow engulfed her, and she suddenly found her vision obstructed by something heavy and metal framing her eyes. Giving the mirror on her wall a sideways glance, she saw a pointed mask covering her face. A dark blue tunic and a red and blue cape had replaced her pajamas and her hair was pinned up. "What exactly is this?" she asked.

"The armor of the ancient Alchemist's Knights. You see..."

The explanation was cut off by a loud crash outside. The star-shaped creature jumped as it glanced out the window. Lucina followed its gaze to see a blue, metallic, spider-like beast outside the window. Its red eyes seemed to be scanning the ground as it hovered about. "Miss," the star creature called. "You need to defeat that before it finds me."

Lucina nodded and opened the window. She glanced down; a small ways to the next roof, but she knew she'd be able to make it if she willed the dream's reality to allow it. From the window, she leapt across the gap, but found the star creature had grabbed her cape to prevent her from falling. "Be careful!" it cried.

"Yeah, how do I attack this?" she asked. The creature nodded and put two of its appendages together, making a small energy ball appear. A silver and gold blade burst from it, which Lucina took in her hand. She eyed the creature. "Hey," she cried, trying to attract it to her rooftop perch. "Over here!"

It whirred around and charged for her. "You need to call out an attack; try 'freeze'!" the star advised.

"Freeze!" Lucina called. The monster stopped moving very suddenly, almost eerily, as if time itself had stopped. However, the star creature seemed unaffected. Lucina dashed towards the monster, but found it out of reach from her sword. "How do I blast it?" she asked.

"You can't; Time doesn't have any offensive capabilities. You'll need to wait for time to restart and it to get closer to cast it again."

Lucina scoffed. Just like her to dream up such a silly superpower for herself. Time soon resumed and the creature came charging at her. It was moving at a frankly blistering speed. "Freeze!" she quickly called out again, making the creature stop moving only inches from her. If she hadn't been dreaming, she would have been horrified at the close call, but now she only slashed it rapidly with the weapon. It hit only hard metal, seeming to leave no wounds.

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