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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Six- Warp

Lucina eyed their new surroundings. They appeared to be in some sort of alleyway, crammed between two buildings made of brick. It was humid and damp, as if the dark clouds overhead had just stopped inflicting their watery wrath upon the world. The street, however, was made of some sort of stone brick rather than concrete. "We should look around," Roy stated, twisting free of Lucina's grasp and walking towards the main street. Lucina let go of Ike's hand and followed the redhead.

As soon as the three entered the street, Lucina noticed something very distinctly different about this place. A woman that walked by them was wearing a rather odd dress, one that reached far below her knees. A man passed soon after, wearing some sort of tunic. "This place is weird," Ike observed. "Everyone here looks like they're going to one of those reenactment things."

Those words made something click in Lucina's head. "Considering my power is Time, perhaps Warp doesn't warp you to another place, but another time?" she suggested.

Ike looked at her, eyes widening. "That doesn't sound good," he stated, laughing awkwardly.

"It would make sense, though," Roy added. "And I guess our costumes won't stand out too much here."

Lucina glanced down the street and started walking down it to the left. "We should try to find out what year it is," she declared. "Maybe then we can find a way to get back to our time."

The two boys followed behind her. "Yeah, that may be our best bet, but what if they use a different calendar than us?" Roy inquired.

"Uh-" Lucina hadn't thought of that. However, it did seem like a legitimate concern. "I guess if the warp goes wrong we can just try again until we find a time that uses our year calendar system."

"Besides," Ike added. "We don't know how to fight off that giant dragon thing anyways, so we should probably figure that out before we go back."

"So, does anyone remember from history class where time records were held in ancient times?" Lucina asked. "Or anything that might help us figure out when we are?"

"This does sort of look like some of those drawings and mock-up pictures they showed in history class of Altea before the Second Seal War," Roy remarked.

"Second Seal War? Wasn't that the one with the Earth Dragons?" Lucina asked.

"I think," Roy replied. "So, if that's where we are, and you didn't move us in time and space, then we're probably about a thousand years off from where we were."

"A thousand years?" Ike repeated. "So, we just need to find somewhere to train and then Lucina can warp us a thousand years forwards and we'll be good."

"Yeah, so where should we train?" Lucina asked. "Find somewhere outside of town?"

Roy shook his head. "It's a pretty big city; that'd take us a while. We should probably just find another alleyway or something."

Ike glanced to the side. "That looks good," he stated. Lucina followed his gaze and saw an alleyway, not unlike the one they had been in a moment ago. Turning towards it, the three looked around for something to practice on.

Lucina quickly decided that the wall in front of them was unlikely to break, unless one of them had some sort of explosive power, so she quickly looked for something to use to mark as a target. "Here," Roy exclaimed, handing her a stick when she asked for a marker. "Ike, use Flare on it and we can use the ashes to mark a target."

"Alright," Ike quickly shouted "Flare!" at the stick Roy had thrown on the ground, condensing it to a pile of charred dust in seconds. Lucina tried to pick up some of it, but found the paving stones to be damp and make the ash stick to it.

Alchemist Knight LucinaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant