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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Four- Roy

Lucina tried her best to explain everything to the two. She tried to cover everything from the cores to the monster from the previous night to the death of the star that had tried to explain everything to her. And she didn't blame them for dismissing her so easily; she would have done the same, given the circumstances.

"Lucina, this is ridiculous. What, exactly do you think this silly prank is going to accomplish?" Roy questioned, a dull, unamused glare in his eyes.

The other boy let out a pained chuckle. "Sorry, I don't really do role-playing," he apologized curtly.

Lucina sighed. How could she prove herself? As they started to walk out of the classroom, she quickly called them back with a "Wait! I- I know it sounds crazy, but I can prove it!". Roy continued out the door, but the other boy whirred back around. Lucina placed the two pendants on a desk and rummaged through her pockets for the indigo one she'd used last night. Putting it on, she called out "Time!" and found herself back in the odd costume that came with her powers.

"How did you do that?" asked the blue-haired boy.

A smug smile crept up on Lucina's lips. "That's not all," she muttered. She grabbed one of the books from the shelf Roy had been searching through and tossed it into the air, quickly calling out "Freeze!" as it began to descend.

The flabbergasted sputters coming from the blue-haired boy were enough to beckon Roy back in. The redhead let out a strained, one-noted laugh as he poked the levitating book. "You can freeze time?" he questioned, mouth ajar.

"Yes," Lucina stated softly. "Do you believe me now?"

Roy extended his hand to her as the book fell onto the floor with a dull thud. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you before," he apologized. "But I'd be glad to join you."

"Yeah, sorry," muttered the blue-haired boy. "That was actually really cool. So, what do we need to do- er, Lucina, right?"

"Yes, and you are-?"

"Ike," he stated. "So, what now?"

She hastily handed the red core to Roy and the blue to Ike. Their glows amplified as a white triangle appeared in each one. "We should figure out how to use these," she stated. However, as she saw a few students passing by the door, not glancing their way, something occurred to her. "But maybe we should discuss this somewhere a bit more private. Could you maybe come to my house later?"

"Yeah, sure," Ike agreed. "Wait, where is it?"

"Fourth house to the left on Thoron. Just come when you can, " Lucina answered. She muttered "Extinguish" and started to leave, but her breath caught upon seeing the time on a clock on the wall. "Darn it!" she cried. "I'm so sorry, I must have made you guys miss your buses too."

"It's fine," Roy reassured her. "Don't worry about it."

Lucina apologized once more as she dashed out of the classroom, wondering how she would get home.

Luckily, Cynthia was standing in front of the school, waiting for her father to pick her up. "Hey, Lucina!" she greeted cheerily. "Don't you usually ride the bus?"

"Um, I missed it," she admitted, cheeks burning crimson. "D-do you think your father could drive me home? I-I mean, if it's too much trouble, I can just walk, but..."

Cynthia laughed brightly. "Oh, you know my dad; he's fine with pretty much anything! I'm sure he'd be glad to bring you home. And if he isn't," a devious gleam materialized in her eyes. "I'll make him do it anyways. I mean, I'm not gonna let my best friend walk five miles in this heat!"

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