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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Ten- Red

The glass building that towered over the city seemed to pierce the sky and continue past it forever, at least when looking up at it from its base. "My, however could such a tall structure be made by humans?" Marth questioned in awe.

"Actually, it was probably mostly made by Fighting and Psychic-type Pokémon," Leaf corrected.

Marth looked rather sorry he had asked. "Er, so, how far up do we need to go in that thing," Ike asked.

"We need to break into the central mainframe of the computer, which is in the upper floors," Green stated.

"And how are we going to get up there?" Roy questioned. "Surely by the time we climb the stairs, we'd have been found out."

"There are warp pads that take you to other parts of the building," explained Green. "Of course, we have no good way of telling where they'll lead, but they'll keep us moving."

Lucina groaned. Why must she be involved in such a half-baked plan? The blood-red blinking in her pocket reminded her, and she desperately hoped it wasn't for either of the natives to this time they were assisting. While they certainly had good intentions, the fact remained that they scarcely realized that they had absolutely no clue what they were doing.

Green glanced around the strangely empty streets impatiently, most likely seeking the boy named Red. "Green, you don't have your PokèGear with you, do you?" Leaf asked.

"Of course not!" he proclaimed. "What kind of a fool do you think I am?"

"No, I meant to call Red," Leaf clarified.

Green looked a bit distressed, but Lucina couldn't tell why. "We'll wait a bit longer. I told May to meet us if anything happened or Red sent out any message."

"Green, I know you think they have trackers in them, but maybe it would have been a good idea to bring your PokèGear with you so Red could call you if something went wrong," Leaf berated with a bit of a victorious smirk.

Shaking his head, Green quickly changed the subject. "So, just to review, once Red gets here or once we get tired of waiting, those two," he gestured towards Ike and Marth. "Will act as if they are trying to break into the south entrance, which will give the rest of us an opening to attempt to sneak into the east entrance. Once inside, we'll make our way to the nearest warp pad and proceed from there."

"Excuse me, but this plan sounds a bit suicidal if you ask me," Lucina challenged. "I mean, if Ike and Marth are caught, we'll have no way to help them escape, and we'll basically be wandering around the facility with no sure escape plan."

Green stared at her, his eyes scanning her for something. Did he think she was telling some lie? "We have May's Kirlia to warp us out if we're cornered," he retorted sharply.

"But how are we to escape?" Marth countered. "Certainly you don't mean to leave us for dead!"

"Don't your 'magic powers' allow for that?" Green snorted in a cruel laugh.

"You had no way to know that for certain," Marth remarked sharply. "And furthermore, we do not happen to possess that ability, at least to my knowledge. Your intent was to get us all killed, was it not?"

Green fell silent. "Just as I thought!" Marth continued with contempt. "That is absolutely sickening! There are people who care about us all! To hurt us is to hurt many others, not simply eliminate a problem!"

"Yeah! To not trust us is one thing, but to sacrifice us just to get us out of your way is just plain evil!" Ike exclaimed.

"I knew there was something off about you," Roy continued. "But I never would have thought you were this despicable."

Alchemist Knight LucinaWhere stories live. Discover now