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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Eleven- Nah

The four Alchemist Knights stared at the angel that had appeared from nowhere. "'Lady Rosalina'?" Marth repeated. "Did she send you here?"

Pit nodded. "Yep! She wanted me to help guide the Alchemist Knights, considering the last guide sort of..."

The angel boy trailed off, and Lucina nodded gravely. The first guide must have been the star that had sacrificed itself to defeat the first Star Eater. "Yeah, so," Pit continued. "I guess you managed to find the first four of you alright."

"First five, actually," Roy corrected. "Red stayed behind in his own time."

"Whoa, you guys already figured out the time travel?" Pit exclaimed in disbelief. "I guess I don't have that much to explain, then."

"No, please, explain away!" Lucina insisted. "We don't know anything about what we're supposed to be doing or why we're doing it."

Pit took a deep breath and began to explain at top speed. "Okay, Lady Rosalina is the leader and protector of the Observatory, a city that floats around the universe, protecting young stars, also known as 'Lumas', and watching over the galaxies. But lately, it's been sort of hard to do that, since this group called the 'Star Eaters' thinks they can get more powerful by harvesting the power of the stars. They actually were founded a really long time ago, but the ruler of the Observatory before Lady Rosalina used his magic to create spirit guardians that could defeat them. His power alone wasn't strong enough to beat them, so he gave the power of the cores to twelve knights, which defeated the Star Eaters. Well, at least for then; they're back now, so I guess they weren't totally defeated."

He laughed awkwardly before continuing. "So, anyways, when Lady Rosalina saw the Star Eaters attack some star to get its power, she sent out the Alchemist Spirits out so the cores could be used again, and I guess they ended up with you guys, so it must have worked. She sent a Luma to help you, but, well..."

Lucina nodded. "I'm very sorry I couldn't save it," she apologized, her guilt coming back in pangs.

"Don't worry about it!" Pit reassured her with a cheerful grin. "Since it's a star, it'll just become a comet or star or something."

Lucina looked up at the sky. The stars were just barely beginning to come out. It must have been a bit later than she'd recalled, as she was sure she left in the afternoon. She wondered if the Luma that had helped her was shining in the sky, or would be someday.

"So, those Alchemist Spirit things, did they fuse with us?" asked Roy.

Pit nodded. "Yeah, but don't worry, it doesn't do anything to you except let you use the cores. Er, Lady Rosalina told me to be sure to mention that to you."

"And another thing," Ike added. "Was it random, or did you single us out?"

"I'm not sure," Pit admitted. "Even though I'm Lady Rosalina's number one assistant and guard, I still don't know everything about this. Can we just move on to abilities? She made me memorize this whole big list of them, and I really don't want it to go to waste."

Lucina pulled out her notebook. "Anyone have a pen?" she inquired. No one replied, so she put the notebook back in her pocket. "Never mind, I'll write them down later."

"So, um, which ones do you have right now?" Pit asked.

"Time, Sky, Ice, and Fire," Lucina answered, glancing at the gleaming pendants around their necks. "And the one that looks like a pomegranate seed, but I'm not sure which one that it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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