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Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina

Chapter Nine- Green

After twenty straight minutes of the girl, who had introduced herself as Leaf, trying to explain them to the group, Lucina had officially decided Pokémon were completely confusing and frankly a bit silly. For one, almost all of them had names that were some sort of random portmanteau or pun, for instance, "Jigglypuff" or "Squirtle". Furthermore, they had abilities that hardly made much sense, but seemed to be inherited to the creatures. When Leaf attempted to explain how her small, yellow creature; "Pichu" was able to use lightning powers, she found her head spinning from the nonsensical explanations she gave.

Roy seemed to take the concept in stride, and deemed the creatures "actually kind of interesting," as he'd put it. However, if she was baffled by the concept, Marth was triply so. Though he didn't say a word of it, Lucina could tell the prince barely understood half the words coming out of Leaf's mouth. Ike simply admitted that he "didn't get it" and left his side of the conversation at that, but Lucina noticed him making an effort to explain foreign concepts to Marth without being too obvious about it. For instance, when Roy had asked if Pichu's electrical system was at all comparable to a circuit, Ike had added "Y'know, does it enter one end and flow through it until it reaches the other and all that?". He'd received an odd look from Roy and Leaf, but the small nod Marth gave and the smile Ike gave back made Lucina grateful he was taking such measures to make the prince feel included.

In time, the group arrived outside of the city to a warehouse that seemed as if it hadn't seen human presence in thirty years. Green knocked sharply on the steel door in an odd pattern, and a blue glow surrounded it as it whirred open. A girl with brown hair and a red bandanna greeted them with a scowl. "I told you that silly plan of yours wouldn't work! Next time you do something stupid, can you at least not do it so high off the ground?"

"May, you never said anything about it not working," the boy Leaf had said to be named Green scoffed. "Besides, I have a new idea of how to get in."

"Oh really?" May asked eagerly, the hostility vanishing in an instant. "Well, hurry up and- wait," she glanced behind the boy, seeing Lucina and her companions. Her scowl returned. "Who the Weedle are they?"

Green sighed deeply. "My plan. You see, if you recall, I found evidence that Silph was trying to implant Pokémon moves into humans. And it seems that they succeeded, using-" Green suddenly snatched the cord Roy's core dangled from, breaking it quickly. Roy let out a cry of protest, but was swiftly interrupted by Green. "These things. The red-haired one-"

"His name is Roy!" Leaf clarified loudly. Lucina noticed a crimson tint on the girl's cheek, not unlike the one Morgan bore whenever Nah was mentioned, and tried very hard to hold back a chuckle.

"-he used a Blizzard attack using one, and yet he claims to not know what a Pokémon is. I suspect brainwashing in order to better connect them to the technology," Green explained. "So, perhaps they could be used in some way to navigate the headquarters better."

May huffed. "This all sounds ridiculous! How the Caterpie would they have been in the Silph building for long enough to have been tested on without running into at least one Pokémon? And furthermore, how would Silph have been able to make such a device?"

"I'll try to deconstruct it and find out," Green replied, tossing the core in the air before catching it.

"No! S-stop that!" Roy stuttered out. He lunged for the core, and Green turned away from it coolly. "Really, I need that back!" Roy pleaded. "Please, just give it-"

"You can have it back when I know how it works and if it can help us destroy Silph! Really, it's in the best interest of all of us, so please just allow me to borrow it," Green requested, irritation breeching his icy demeanor.

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