Chapter 1

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*Hayden's POV*

As I sit in my room like every day and hope someone will want to come adopt me I put my earphones in and blast my favorite band Panic! At The Disco. I sit there singing along to The End of All Things when Mrs. Davis walks in.

"Hayden come here there's someone who will like to see you!" She says happily I jump off my bed and rush to the door. I always like meeting new couples who can't have kids but want some or who just want to adopt! As I go out I see a couple standing there. The women was wearing a black shirt with black skinny jeans and she had black hair the man was wearing a white shirt and black skinny jeans as well.

"Here she is!" Mrs. Davis exclaims the couple turn around and who I see shocks me my idol, my role model, my favorite person alive it was Brendon and Sarah Urie! Could this really be happening? Is this just a dream I've had many dreams about them adopting me but this, this is real.

"Hi!" I manage to say without stuttering

"Oh my god she is perfect!" Sarah said making me smile

"Thank you Sarah!" I say oops I just said her name now there not going to want to adopt me I'm a fan! They'll think I'm crazy they probably don't want a fan girl living in there house!

"I'm guessing you know who we are?" Brendon said

"Yea..." I said

He just smiled and looked over at Mrs. Davis

"Can we adopt her?" He asked. OH MY FUCKING GOD! Brendon freaking Urie just asked if he could adopt ME!


Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter this is my first fan fic so I hope its to your liking if not then sorry.... But any way I will try to update every other day or any time I get the chance hope you liked it!

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