Scene 12 - Found you

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Your POV

It's been about an hour now. Outside, I heard the small sounds of police sirens so I curiously crept out from my hiding spot and ran to the window. Cop cars were lined up around the building and most of them were empty. They must already be inside. I rushed to the door and checked the hallway before bolting down the corridor and towards the stairs. I had to sneak past some of the guards on one of the levels but they couldn't see me since I'm so short. One day I'll grow...

I got to a level where S.W.A.T teams were jogging down the halls and holding guns to the doors before entering. The deviants I've met aren't dangerous, so why do they need huge guns to defend themselves?

I continued to stay low and hid behind a corner. I couldn't see Connor or Hank anywhere yet, but I did see Gavin. Everything was telling me that I should just go up to him. But another part of me was saying that he would see it differently. If he found out that I went missing and Connor was supposed to be taking care of me, he'd have one more reason to threaten him. It would be best if I find Connor and Hank first.

I ducked behind a corner and waited for a soldier to walk past. He held his gun in front of him as he marched down the corridor and into another room. That gave me enough time to go into the opposite room and hide under a table on the closest side of the door. I saw feet walk past the room and some that entered it, only to leave shortly after.

Everything seemed a little more quiet than before. It started to worry me. It was like in the shed. Quiet. Then voices. Only this time it was only one voice. I may have been the only one who heard it.

"H-Hank! I need help!"


I jolted forward and ran down the hall just in time to see an android quickly leave the room next to the one I was in. I rushed inside and saw Connor on his stomach, reaching out for something. When he saw me, he gave a pained smile. "(Y-Y/n)! You're okay!"

I looked down at his stomach and saw a hole in his chest where his biocomponent should be. I gasped and ran over to him. I looked around frantically searching the room and finally saw the piece on the floor, surrounded by blue blood. I scampered over to it and grabbed it. There isn't much time! I ran back to him and struggled to push him on his back so I could get the object back into place. I pushed it in and his LED flashed yellow then blue. He gasped and sat upright, trying to breath. Then the realisation that I found him suddenly kicked in and I hugged him. He was surprised and out of breath so didn't hug back.

"Don't ever ever EVER leave me again! I looked in the city for hours trying to find you and I was so scared and and I didn't know if I was ever gonna see you again. I thought- I thought you forgot about me, or something bad happened to you or WORSE" I cried and practically grappled myself to his suit. He slowly started to hug back, which surprised me, but I had no intent on letting go.

I heard someone walk into the room then I recognised who it was. "(Y/n)! Connor!" Hank ran over to us and held Connor by the back so his head didn't touch the floor. "What happened in here?!"

Connor breathed out. "T-there was a deviant... the group must have converted him so he didn't report them when he saw them on the cameras... he ran off".

Hank frowned and gritted his teeth. He began to pull his gun from his coat pocket, but I grabbed his arm "Wait!". It obviously didn't hurt him but it did catch him off guard. "Don't!.... Uh, the android could have already gotten away by now and.... and if you kill hi- it, we can't investigate it".

He looked at me strangely but slid the gun back into his pocket. I sighed in relief under my breath and helped Connor to stand up. He was wobbly at first but managed to stand sort of straight when he leaned his weight on a nearby table. He held his chest with his other hand and smiled at me. I smiled back of course. I guess he did miss me as much as I missed him.

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