Chapter 6

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TRIGGER WARNING, if you are sensitive to topics of rape and abuse please stop reading this story. I do not condone rape or abuse for any reason.

"holy fuck, I mean I can totally see it, but fuck." Cal said as we sat in my living room. She stared at me with wide eyes, legs crossed as she tossed her hands in the air and through her hair. Ruffling the short blonde tufts.

"I know."

"I mean it makes sense. He didn't get his bid till the next fucking morning." She revealed mostly to herself. "holy shit, you're the reason he got his nickname."

Her laughter blew her back on to the pillows of the couch, she kicked her short legs out and wiggled them around. She gloated almost to herself in knowing what no one else knew.

"I think theres more to that nickname than just him being able to sleep in." I tried to cover, my face was burning bright red. It wasn't like she didn't know all the juicy details of that night, hell the amount of times I had told her the story she probably could reenact it better than I could. But now there was a face to the mystery man.

It was easy to see how I hadn't put two and two together before. He hadn't been affiliated with the club, nor was he the same man I saw today. The man that fucked me into oblivion that night was just a boy, still growing out of his teen years. His hair had been shaggy then but now his mane was down past his shoulders, thick and wavy. His beard had filled out from the close shave he had originally sported. His muscular body was larger now, tanner from the hours out of the open road no doubt. Thick bands of muscle replaced the leaner build he use to carry. Tattoos littered his skin, wrapping around the expanse of his undeniably glorious body. He was no longer a boy, but a man.

"oh shit." Cal said with wide eyes. "what are you going to do?"

I shrugged shaking my head. "nothing."

"nothing?" She gasped, her dramatic side coming out as she jumped from her spot on the couch and kneeled in front of me. "don't say such sinful things!"

"sinful?" I snorted.

She gave me a pointed look. "you cannot, tell me you don't want to jump back on that rollercoaster."

"I- I can't Cal." She frowned, suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. "Viper made his claim."

"that's fucking bullshit." She growled. "it makes no sense why you can't have your own choice in this!"

I shrugged, giving her a sad smile. "he's the only Enforcer that's eligible, it's his right."

"what about your choice?" She threw her hands up. "Viper wont take care of you right. He's not good with feelins' and honey, you've got all of 'em."

I stayed quiet, picking at the old blanket I had wrapped around my legs. She huffed to herself, sitting back on the couch and leaning her head against the armrest.

"What happened to your Daddy waitin' till you're good and ready." She said, her head propping up, looking at me with sad eyes. I could tell there was more to her sadness than just my lack of free will, I didn't push her. She would tell me or she wouldn't.

"he's letting Viper stake his intentions to the club. Meanin' back the fuck off, basically. I don't have to wear his brand or a ring just yet. But as far as I'm concerned I might as well." I sighed, looking up in time to see her cringe. I knew she only felt my pain slightly, Cal wanted to be claimed by someone. She loved the idea of being someones, she was just looking for the right person. I was grateful for her still trying to show me empathy when I knew she didn't full understand.

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