Chapter 13

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I stayed in my old bed the remainder of the night, my mom came in almost every hour making sure I was ok and had everything I needed. Sarafina had come in, and laid in bed with me telling me stories about her boys. She stayed with me petting my hair or walking around my room complaining about how dirty it still was. She took it upon herself to sort through all the clothes I left behind and bag them up for donating.

"it's about time we both move forward yeah?" She smiled telling me. She went on to talk about her husband and how she came to realize how much she really felt for him, it was one story I never knew I needed to hear. "it took me a long time to accept my feelings, and even now I still some times think he just settled for me."

"no." I shook my head. "he bought the pizzeria for you, thats love."

She laughed shaking her head. "he loves that restaurant way more than he lets on, it's his pride and joy."

I rolled my eyes and snuggled into the covers a little more. Cal's head popped into the room with a small knock on the door.

"hey, figured I stop by to see how you're doing." She said with a timid smile.

"I'm better." I smiled, and to be honest, I think I was. Telling them had completely lifted the weight of that night off my shoulders. It was no longer my burden. I knew I still had a long road ahead of me, but now I knew my family would support me and take care of me.

"good." She let out a breath. "see? That therapist knows what she's doin'."

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to admit Renee was right. Her blunt attitude towards my problems still rubbed me the wrong way, but I kind of appreciated it compared to how everyone else around me treated me like precious china. Maybe with her help I would finally be the strong girl I had once been.

"you guys talkin' about Renee? Heard Tinks got a thing for her."

I laughed, shaking my head. Tinker was, different. He was a little on the crazy side, it was comical to me that with the way he was, he was attracted to a therapist nonetheless. We giggled to each other about the random pairings of our group.

"I say we have a girls day tomorrow." Cal declared. "Dana's opened up her morning at the salon for us, and then we can head to the nail salon in Wilmington and shop a bit!"

"thank god for that." My sister agreed. "I need my roots done desperately."

"I tell you what if you can get that sexy ass boyfriend of yours in here, to let me chop his mop off I'll cut your hair free for life." Dana challenged me. "been wanting to cut that mess off for years. You're my best bet."

I laughed, as she went back to cutting layers into my hair. Dana was a petite girl with a huge personality and even bigger hair to bat. Her wavy blonde hair raised her 5'4 height and the heeled boots she wore made her almost meet my 5'7. She talked our ears off, easing us into a fun afternoon. Both Cal and Sarafina were under the dryers as we waited for their colors to 'cook' as she put it.  She served us mimosas as we sat and talked.

"hang on just a second darlin'." She said to me, squeezing my shoulder. "Cal's popped and I gotta put her toner on."

"Cal's popped!" Sarafina giggled, she drank her normal orange juice but was laugh drunk from all the fun we were having. "I'm about to pop! I swear I might explode."

"you better keep that baby in there while you're in my salon." Dana warned. "I'm not about to have to clean up your insides from my clean floors."

Cal laughed loudly as Dana finishing shampooing  her and applied whatever purple mixture she made to Cals hair. "this is gonna sit for fifteen to twenty minutes, you want anything?"

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