Chapter 18

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Sleeper sat beside me, his stare unwavering as he waited for me to explain. I never thought I would tell anyone this, it was the only other secret I would take to the grave but I knew Sleeper deserved to know.

"you have to understand first, I never thought I'd see you again after that night. It was a one night stand I didn't even know your name- you didn't even know my name." I started, my brain fogged and tired from the days events. I needed to tell him now before I lost my nerve. I took his hand. "I was-"

There was a bang on the door, I nearly jumped out of my skin my heart hammering in my chest.

"yo Sleeper, is Baby girl with you?" Wolf said from outside the door. "Princess went into labor they're going to the hospital now."

I turned to Sleeper with wide eyes. He pulled me into a quick kiss. "we'll finish this later, your sister needs you."

12 hours of labor felt like days had gone by. I had stayed by my sisters side the whole time. Helping her through her contractions, getting her ice chips when she needed and even settling a fight between her and Reaper. But soon enough, Harper Lia Malik, was born a healthy baby girl. Sarafina cried when she held her for the first time, and Reaper wouldn't let go over her until it was time to feed her. It was a beautiful moment, one that was like a splash of cold water to my face as reality set back in.

Mama and dad came in the minute they were allowed and spent ages cooing over the newest addition to our family. Dad groaned about feeling old and hating being a grandfather- although he couldn't stop calling himself pop pop.

Sleeper came in a few hours later, with real food not from the cafeteria and a bouquet of flowers. He smiled at me with a knowing look on his face before congratulating my sister and her husband.

"do you mind if i...?" Sleeper trailed off looking at Harper.

"absolutely!" My sister said giving me a bright smile wiggling her eyebrows at me. This'll be you one day, was written all over her face. I swallowed hard. Sleeper took the baby from my mom and cradled her close to his chest. He had taken off his cut just before so the soft fabric of his flannel was brushed up against her face. He slowly walked over to me, bouncing the child like he had done this a thousand times.

My eyes widened as he came up to me, his arms brushing against my own as he held her between us. His smile radiated as he looked up at me. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my eyes twinkled with unshed tears. I had to get out of here. 

"I- I'm gonna check with, your doctor- about something- I'll be back." I choked and practically ran out of the room. I turned down a few hallways trying to distance myself from everything.

You could see it all over Sleepers face, he wanted to be a dad. Oh god, I thought, what was he going to think?

"Lia!" I heard from down the hallway. Sleeper jogged over to me, looking at me with concern as he brushed my hair out of my face. I knew I looked a mess, I was over tired, probably smelly and no doubt my breath was rank. "whats wrong? Are you okay?"

I shook my head as the tears finally started falling. "n-no, I- I don't know how to t-tell you."

"hey, it's okay, whatever it is we'll work it out." He consoled. "you've had a really long couple days, lets get you home and in bed okay?"

I nodded letting him guide me towards the elevator. He grabbed his phone making a quick call to my family to let them know I was going home. I felt selfish, running out like that. I didn't want my family to worry about me while something so big was happening for them.

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now