Chapter 16

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"-yeah, put 'em in the truck and bring 'em back. I want blood on my hands." I heard my fathers voice in the kitchen, I paused by the doorway, sinking into the wall as I listened to his conversation. "don't care what you gotta dose 'em with but make sure they're out the whole way so we don't have any trouble. Withdrawal will make it worse."

I heard his sick laugh as he finished his conversation. At that point I felt safe walking in. It wasn't like I hadn't heard this before. Although the club was for the most part legal, there were times when they reverted back to their old way of life. Especially when family was put in danger.

My fathers head snapped to me and a large smile replaced the stone cold look he had at first. It was always like that with him, he melted at the sight of his family and no one else. Somehow it made him even more intimidating to others.

"hey baby girl, how was work?" He nodded to my scrubs. I had just gotten off my shift and wanted nothing more than to crawl into Sleepers bed and fall asleep, but I had promised mama I'd come to dinner.

I shrugged. "same ol' same ol'." I grinned. "I got called into the emergency room today because some dumbass got himself stabbed."

My father laughed. "what the fuck."

I nodded, slightly amused at the whole ordeal. "he was drunk too, when we told him he'd have to get surgery he pulled the screwdriver out himself and I ended up in the splash zone."

My father barked out his loud laugh at the story. His head thrown backwards and his giant fist balled up banging on the table enough to make the vase of flowers shake and wobble. My mother cursed running to the topsy-turvy ceramic and held it still arranging the flowers back in place when my father stopped.

She glared at the both of us. "I swear you get your sick humor from him."

I threw my hands up. "I ain't denyin' it."

My father only grinned and outstretched his arms to let me into one of his massive bear hugs. He squeezed, enough for me to wheeze out at the lack of air being accepted into my lungs before he dropped me back down.

"missed ya baby girl." I smiled at him, knowing exactly what he meant. You never really came home. I couldn't deny how true those words had been. Even after moving back I had still been stuck in the same place, that night. It haunted me and kept me from moving forward. Being forced to tell my parents about the incident freed me from the chains I was trapped in. I was home, finally and truly.

Sarafina announced herself coming in moments later. Her boys, Ashton and Frankie racing in and attacking my father as they giggled at him feigning fear. I smiled at Sarafina who walked in in her usual waddle. Her husband, Reaper, right behind her.

"hey baby." She smiled at me pulling me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around her and holding me tight to her side. The only way she could really hug you properly anymore. "god I can't wait to hug you without some tiny human between us. It's been a long time since I could."

I gave her a nod, she was right, the last time I had been here she had been pregnant and I hadn't seen her or my nephews since. I realized just how much I missed out on due to my absence. I never got to see Ashton or Frankie grow up. Frankie was already in preschool now and Ashton was heading into 2nd grade. They didn't even know me.

But there were still secrets I was keeping, things I wasn't sure I how to explain.

"Sarafina come help me make the salad." My mama said pulling us out of our embrace. Sarafina tapped my nose lightly before waddling over to our mother who handed her a bowl and ordered her to chop more carrots.

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now