Chapter 3

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Its Monday and I am excited to start working! Last Friday, I just signed the contract and was given a briefing by the HR. I will officially start my new job today. Yahoo! Time to earn some cold hard cash.

I alighted the car and said bye to Manong Tor. I noticed that there's quite a crowd already. And to think that it's only 8:00 am. Maaga pala talaga silang pumasok. Work doesnt start until 9 in the morning.

As i approached, i mustered up the courage and asked the friendly looking guy what's going on. He's good looking din, mestizo, and if im not mistaken, he stands a little over at 6 ft. He flashed an endearing smile. May dimples sya! Uh-oh Im in trouble!

The thing is, im a bit shy. They say that im a head turner, has the curves, smooth skin and all. I am a bit tall din since i stand 5' 7" But i dont let my looks define me. Mahiyain talaga ako. My attitude is always mistaken as snobbery. I dont talk much kase.

I snapped out of my reverie when he replied.

"We usually have a briefing every 1st Monday of the month. You're right on time. By the way, im Stan Reyes."
I shook the hand that he offered. I then introduced myself. " Hi, Im Evie Berbon. Im the new marketing associate."

"Oh, so you're the pretty newbie that Madam Alandy is talking about."

I just smiled in response. At a loss for words. He then guided me to the conference room and motioned for me to take a sit.

The room is full na. I have no choice but to take the only available seat in front. I can feel their eyes on me.

The room quieted down when somebody entered. Ssshhh, they said. Grabe, ang bango naman. Armani?

" Good morning everyone. Happy first day of April."

And when I looked up, i recognized him as the cocky guy who spilled his coffee on me. Oh, great!

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